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the Quake brand is dead sadly
deathmatch desperately needs a reboot, but the window of oportunity might have been missed with Doom3, Quake4 and UT3
id software cannot bank on nostalgia the same way Capcom did with Street Fighter (much more powerful brand anyway). SF4 revived a very niche genre, but Quake5/Doom4 would have an enormous competition in the FPS market.
also there is a problem with the console market, because it is artificially limited to a single type of faulty controller with no keyboard and mouse support. this would have a huge impact on the game design and would split the community into 2. then it wouldn't even matter if Quake5/Doom4 were successful since the competitive scenes would have no common ground.
fighting games have the luxury of 3rd party controllers, why not for FPS games as well? :<
This match was played at 11am when comiccon was still very quiet. Just like the second semi final the day before the event was winding down. The real crowd (tens of thousands of people) were there from 1pm to 4pm I'd say. Although yeah, SC2 got a lot more attention than QL :( But it's not as sad as it looks here, xou giving a wrong impression for some reason