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really? thats funny. youīre a firecracker. did i say youīre funny?
i mean..common..someone puts a box with headphones on their head..and then say "that's not how you put on a headphone" i mean must enlighten yourself all the time.
right...i care about thse things. the fact that you try to wipe that in my face says how much of a nerd you are. that you speak up for Anhedonique says even more. you probably plussed his comment up there..and he will probably plus yours right here. howīs that going for you guys? :PPPP
btw iīm on the x-mas theme the whole year. so the more trees the better. no matter who has them. they are pretty! :D
thatīs all you could come up with? its not a realtime argument we are having. itīs an internet forum. you can take your time and come up with something really smart. iīm sure you are capable. i speak other languages, too. if english is not your thing. it sure isnīt mine. so common..what u got? btw iīm a cool dude now. someone has plussed me..even though i donīt care for it. so you now may adress me as a cool dude. e-fame!!!!!
i read this board longer than you are a member with that account. so far it has been pleasant. why wouldnīt it be? some teens getting their balls out on some forum? common...
funny thing is..i am 100% certain, you are of the kind raging all over the place when they get their ass handed to them in quake all the time. raging teen boobie
I feel sorry for you. Everytime someone new to the internets comes to this forum, they make them selves look full-on-raterded :(
But its not your fault, You probably think that your "hip" "cool" "rad", and on some forums you might be (9gag).
Couldn't be more wrong. He just showed how sad people are on this forum, fishing for pluses and trying so hard to be liked by other nerds, and using their "popularity" as a means to show how credible their opinion is. Pretty sad place this became. I know it could just be trolling, but if its the case that's of no real value anyway.
You're babbling on about plusses, like everyone was a pluswhore. But what do you do? You don't contribute anything to the community you're just trying to pick on everybody, like an elementary school bully. Even the biggest pluswhores (like ins) contribute to the community. I think you might have been raped as a child, that's why you act like this. You project the pent-up hatred inside you on people over the internet, because you're a broken little weakling in real life. You know, I understand your pain, and I agree the world is screwed-up, but you should seriously seek help if you want to live a decent life any time soon. It's possible, you just have to admit that you need help.
edit: honestly, most of the time when i join ffa servers or get joined on aduelserver by a noob, i ask if i can help then, teach them to strafe or help them with the console. i encourage everyone to do it like that. actually i think itīs normal because it is a game and everyone should have fun toghether. but you and your friends here are kinda messed up and start insulting people out of nothing and whatnot.
gosh hope one of you comes to dreamhack
Edited by Ahedonigue at 13:46 CDT, 23 October 2012
Yeah, this must be the only place on The Internet where like-minded individuals tend to agree with each other more than not. Any and all plus-whoring must be a cynical attention grab, not a light-hearted exploitation of a popularity system. I'm glad you know what every single poster on this website thinks of and is about, broad generalizing and offhand assumptions are the way to go.
It's cause you're just starting arguments for the sake of it. Also if people are just singling you out or trying to troll you; don't rise to it and instead ignore it and walk away. -_-
Please for the love of God don't turn into another Jamerio :D