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vfg is available online, but ill just tell u here hehe
Rl is scrollup on the mouse, lg is scroll down on the mouse, SG is mouse 3, silent walk mouse 4, gauntlet is mouse 5, fire is mouse 1, mouse 2 is zoom, movement keys arrows, jump is ctrl so with my pinky finger hehe, shift is crouch, del is either mg or nades, and pgdn is either mg or nads cant think which is where in the keyboard but they are above the arrows, and as u can see they are close by, even though this is not my kb, so i got lucky zoot had one that was similar i could borrow. Ins is rail and keypad 1 is plasma!!!!
Dad has played video games since fkn wolfenstein haha so he has ALWAYS played arrows. So when i got into quae in late 2009 he was using them so i did too.. never looked back eiother hehe although i have tried wasd i cant get used to it :P
When I started playing FPS when I was a kid I also used the arrows, and nobody told me what to do xD. Then when Battlefield, COD were new (the first ones) I switched to WASD... Tbh arrows were great because of how I'm using my mouse, but whatever.
By the way I'm from an Island not too far from Australia (but I don't live there anymore), when I heard about you guys a long time ago I always wished you could compete against people here, hope next time there is an event you'll perform a lot better (and win)! \o/
AH right what island is that? And thanks a lot! and yeah i could never switch, the way my kb sits in conjunction with my mouse and monitor feels great for me so i wouldnt ever switch hehe
AH right what island is that? And thanks a lot! and yeah i could never switch, the way my kb sits in conjunction with my mouse and monitor feels great for me so i wouldnt ever switch hehe