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17:42 CDT - 759 users online
Date Heading Rating
01:54 CDT 8 Apr 2011 England rikk 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 6
01:47 CDT 8 Apr 2011 QUAKEWORLD art-hoshi 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 10
01:45 CDT 8 Apr 2011 Germany leopold 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 10
01:18 CDT 8 Apr 2011 USSR Lamur 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 8
01:18 CDT 8 Apr 2011 Sweden CalibanH 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 8
00:48 CDT 8 Apr 2011 QuakeLive donka 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 8
00:45 CDT 8 Apr 2011 Taiwan Mustaine 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 6
22:42 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Unset fur*q 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 8
21:54 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Portugal stuntz 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 7
21:34 CDT 7 Apr 2011 ^__^ HustLah 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 6
21:26 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Australia haste 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 8
18:49 CDT 7 Apr 2011 2k2_2 Nukm 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 7
18:17 CDT 7 Apr 2011 ._o ScanX 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 5
18:10 CDT 7 Apr 2011 q3 poland righteous 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 7
18:07 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Quake 3 (black) zfred 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 9
18:01 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Austria clemso 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 6
17:58 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Brazil 13m3 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 8
17:18 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Czech Republic zetman 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 6
17:05 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Swedish Shaft BubbleQ 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 7
16:34 CDT 7 Apr 2011 rammstein *deotrip butcher_kgp 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 7
16:32 CDT 7 Apr 2011 United Kingdom Six16 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 9
16:30 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Germany n1ghty 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 8
16:29 CDT 7 Apr 2011 guitar mccormic 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 5
16:18 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Poland tifu 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 9
16:17 CDT 7 Apr 2011 United Kingdom kanzo 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 7
16:11 CDT 7 Apr 2011 shafthore's only by dann Lave 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 4
16:06 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Quake annihiluzz 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 10
16:04 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Russia Glot 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 7
15:59 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Germany dlx 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 0
15:46 CDT 7 Apr 2011 ET:QW Shrike 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 9
15:42 CDT 7 Apr 2011 blank koekie 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 7
15:39 CDT 7 Apr 2011 lightninggun fragv 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 6
15:39 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Latvia fuzz 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 10
15:34 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Kitty ZADROT EBANIY 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 6
15:23 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Germany scowl 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 5
15:18 CDT 7 Apr 2011 australia-qld M05 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 6
15:14 CDT 7 Apr 2011 cooller skint 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 6
15:08 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Norway Carsomyr 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 4
15:03 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Sweden Trippledo 2063658 GALLONS: An IEM5 Frag Retrospective 8
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