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12:04 CDT - 624 users online
Date Heading Rating
17:28 CDT 20 May 2011 ._o SigningOff 2061570 cypher -vs- rapha 3
11:55 CDT 11 Apr 2011 USSR kamio 2061570 cypher -vs- rapha 9
00:28 CDT 7 Apr 2011 Belgium Po0dle 2061570 cypher -vs- rapha 8
13:11 CDT 4 Apr 2011 Ukraine scukonax 2061570 cypher -vs- rapha 10
10:51 CDT 4 Apr 2011 SmugMug thero 2061570 cypher -vs- rapha 10
09:22 CDT 4 Apr 2011 Belarus yurik 2061570 cypher -vs- rapha 10
08:43 CDT 4 Apr 2011 Russia morgot 2061570 cypher -vs- rapha 10
08:19 CDT 4 Apr 2011 Austria noctis 2061570 cypher -vs- rapha 10
04:36 CDT 4 Apr 2011 Quake 3 InDepther 2061570 cypher -vs- rapha 10
02:13 CDT 4 Apr 2011 Unset primord22 2061570 cypher -vs- rapha 4
16:03 CDT 3 Apr 2011 Germany n1ghty 2061570 cypher -vs- rapha 4
10:45 CDT 3 Apr 2011 ffs_light kK_Storm 2061570 cypher -vs- rapha 5
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