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13:10 CDT - 1014 users online
Date Heading Rating
19:09 CDT 6 Aug 2004 France NeLlk3e 726400 4 rather useless trickjumps 10
17:17 CDT 6 Aug 2004 Lucky Guns ESR Twist` 726400 4 rather useless trickjumps 9
07:57 CDT 6 Aug 2004 B2L - Orange Animated NL VarpoS 726400 4 rather useless trickjumps 3
05:06 CDT 6 Aug 2004 United States of America f-shawn 726400 4 rather useless trickjumps 10
04:20 CDT 6 Aug 2004 Austria stier 726400 4 rather useless trickjumps 10
00:29 CDT 6 Aug 2004 United States of America badfish 726400 4 rather useless trickjumps 6
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