The original topic on QL official forums:
Need demos for Momentum - community frag movie

I'm taking this project really serious. I'm trying to collect the most incredible frags ever made in QL, put them all together in a way worth remembering and looking back at, with incredible amount of work and dedication - which mostly implies to YOU, as it is you guys recording and making those incredible frags happen.

So, if u got an awesome demo with an awesome action (really good, funny, fail, anything really) and u want to take part in a fragging movie send in ur demo to [email][/email] with description (example: rail at 5:35) according to the in-game timer. Don't hesitate to send anything u think is worth of attention. I'm glad to check out as many demos as u guys send, since I really need hundreds of them :)

Here's a preview of my work of the already mentioned frag movie:
(since for some reason the stream on youtube is not available in germany I also uploaded to own3D for another stream, as well as megaupload for download):

Youtube -
own3D -
Megaupload (download version) -

Regards, Kripp.