
Dear fellow gamers ,

We are proud to announce the official launch of the two new format of tournement on z33k .com 'Simply Silver' for silver/bronze league only players and '2v2 Tribes' a 2v2 competition open to all leagues ( in additionnal of our current tournements ).

Z33k Cups :

Simply silver :
- 16 players ( as much as needed )
- Single-elimination
- Free event is open to SILVER and BRONZE players only located in the EU Region.
- Daily Event , every Saturday .
Simply Silver Cup page

2v2 Tribes :
- 2v2 event
- 16 teams (extendable as much needed)
- Single-elimination
- Free event is open to all league players located in the EU Region
- Daily Event , every Friday

2v2 Tribes page

3U CUP :
- 16 players ( as much as needed )
- Single-elimination
- Free event is open to all gold , platinum diamond and master players located in the EU Region.
- Daily Event , every Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday
-Some prizes might be added in the futur.

3u tuesday cup page
3u thrusday cup page
3u saturday cup page

Armageddon :
- 16 players ( as much as needed )
- Single-elimination
- Free event is open to all players located in the EU Region.
- NOT daily event , one round per day , start every Monday.

Armageddon page

But how do i get in a one of this cup ?!?
U just have to register on our website (www.z33k.com ) , sign for one of these cups ( until u have a n/a account) ; show up 20 min before the starting time of the cup to sign-in on the cup page ( to show your presence ) and then check the bracket when the cup start and play :D ( if u have any troubles our admins would be glad to help through our chat our Mirc :)

Information about Z33k organisation :
For ppl who don t know z33k.com , we are a community website running lots of SC2 Tournaments and Events in North America and more recently in Europ . We are focusing on 1v1 and team tournaments but we are also hosting a 2s cup . We are hosting events for players of all leagues.
We have also sponsoring system starting at 5 euro and a lot of more.
If you are interested in sponsoring or having event hosted , please email sponsorship@z33k.com.


Contacts :
Our website : www.z33k.com
Join Us @ #z33k on irc.gamesurge.net ( with mIRC or with our chat )
We are ACTIVELY looking for Eu admins and more for SC2 EU. Please E-Mail at Jobs@z33k.com.
We are also looking for Eu Casters in SC2 EU. Please E-Mail at Hashatan@z33k.com .