That is at least 5 years old apparently. I didn't know it existed either, so I take back anything I said about this being a nice concept and return it to whoever came up with the original first.
Laura Borgen
Pohung Chen
Treb Connell
David Evans
Logan Fieth
Ariel Gitomer
Killian Koenig
Jason Meisel
Edward Peters
MJ Quigley
Sean Reilly
SOURCE: W W W DOT seewithperspective DOT COM
I didn't bother pointing out the rest of your laughable claims as I think you already made a pretty spectacular and public fail of implying this "game" was made by one person. Even if it was, your comparison of indie devs to people in the game industry is flawed.
Now excuse me while I film myself take a shit, upload it to youtube and wait for my Oscar Nomination cos I did it all by myself so it must be better than anyone in a professional/team environment whose hiding behind everyone else....
Is it still good for you now knowing that your initial perception of it being good for you was based on yet more ignorance from you?
I was talking about indie games in general, go read my post again. You criticized indie games that are based on a concept, and I was pointing out that creating a concept and building a game around it is far more impressive than anything you've ever done. Most indie games are developed by a single person.
You know what a real spectacular display of public fail is? This, the lowest form of IT work there is.
"I was talking about indie games in general, go read my post again. "
I did read your post, initially you said "Still far superior than anything you've ever done. " you said this in relation to a game with 12 people on it, I pointed out that I worked on perfect dark, a game with less than 20 full time members on it, so its not superior to anything i have done at all based on a fair comparison. THAT WAS YOUR INITIAL POINT AND IT BLEW UP IN YOUR FACE.
"You criticized indie games that are based on a concept".
Actually I said "Interesting concept, but like so many of these indie games, they have one neat idea and build an entire game around it." .
So not only was I positive towards the concept, I also said like "so many", which means I was not saying them all. Several other people here have also said the same thing. Funny how facts conflict with what crazy angry people say isn't it?
"and I was pointing out that creating a concept and building a game around it is far more impressive than anything you've ever done"
And I was pointing out what a stupid and cluessless statement that is (on top of your others) because that would depend on the concept and game and development process...
None of which you had specified and NONE OF WHICH I have said otherwise, so I guess you're just another angry dork online with an axe to grind. Geee, how original--hey mark zuckerburg is is a better coder than everyone who ever worked on code cos he made more money than them by 25. TADAAA!!!, yes this is your level of stupidity! Most indie devs are GENERALISTS, most game devs are SPECIALISTS. You need to be a SPECIALIST to work in a AAA game dev environment. You need to be a GENERALIST to work in an indie dev environment.
You don't even understand the requirements of the markets you're comparing too,your USELESS comparisons show this.[b]
"Most indie games are developed by a single person."
[b]And most indie games are a pile of shit, that's why 99.9 % of gamers could not name a single game that was ever made entirely by one person in this day and age and do not compare to a professional dev team.
You know what a real spectacular display of public fail is?......
Oh no, have you started stalking me already and presenting the lowest denominator (and since when it SEO/WEB DESIGN/BUILDING REPAIRING COMPUTERS LOW) of my skilset and presenting it as its highest? my main role is i'm a 3D guy. If you want to try and mock people, you're more than welcome to post your cv below, i'm guessing unemployed 20 something whose never done anything and will come up with nothing..
Props for creativity, but i have to (sort of) agree with Jamerio, games centered around a gimmick, no matter how good and fresh that gimmick might be, get old fast.
Just because something doesn't fit in with your idea of "fun", does not mean it's the same with other people. I'd imagine the "figuring out the way" part, the mental challenge itself, would be enough to make people interested.