[B] Potso has proposed a 2v2 Freeze Tag League and since WFL is already setup and running the four weekly 4v4 matches, it would be incremental to add 2v2 matches to the process. Should the response to a 2v2 FT league be sufficient, we can start working a schedule together to get that up and running.

Those interested, email reaper at reaper@planetfreeze.com stating 2v2 N/A or European divisions and adding proposed team rosters of 3-5 players and team name to play under.

Those also interested in getting into 4v4 Season 2 of the WFL which commences January 2013 can submit their teams now which can be changed anytime prior to the next season actually starting.

Rules and info on WFL available at http://www.planetfreeze.com

Current Calender for WFL games can be found at http://www.keepandshare.com/calendar....php?i=2188258

WFL Forum can be found at http://www.thevideogameforum.com/ind...ze-chatter.40/