any gfx adjustments wouldnt make a difference as the wall is supposed to protect, ye? im having a hard time understanding how its relevant to the point
I would like to see the "proper" geometry (the one used for resolving hits) to better understand what is going on. Otherwise there is very little to say besides it should not happen.
Another thing I find strange is that the RL firing sound took place twice, the first time nothing came out, and the next time we have this bizarre "through the wall" hit.
Maybe that was someone shooting the RL nearby but it sounded maximum close as if to be your own rocket.
Can you post the demo? I'd be interested in seeing the pov of the other players with wolfcam.
Also I wonder if this can be recreated, anyone able to get a splash through the wall like this with a friend cooperating in pre-game or w/e?
In QL, it recognizes horizontal surfaces and passes damage through, with a smoke puff on the other side. I don't think it deals damage where there's no puff.
I think it might be a maping misconception as there is quite a few very small maping errors in QL (will post the ones i found). I will check it with GTKRadiant later to see.