Hello, as you can see, i would love to go to QuakeCon, and I have been improving a lot.

I am taking more caution in the way of duel and how to adapt in different situations, i take quake very seriously. I've been playing since 2009, it would be a dream come true to attend a fantastic tournament like QuakeCon and to actually achieve something, I truly am serious about getting to the very top of the dueling scene in Quake, and what better way than to appear at LAN in the world's greatest ever tournament?

So all I am asking for is your donations, to attend QuakeCon, it will be a great experience. The youth needs a chance!

My PayPal account: qlcmss@hotmail.co.uk

I will be ever so grateful for your donations. This is a serious thread, as I've said, I need the money to go.

To keep up with the latest news from me, like my page on Facebook, it's way more interesting than uaLaskij / Laskovskiy >:D
* https://www.facebook.com/cmss.quakelive *