In Latin, 'corn' is the word stem. An additional suffix defines the grammatical case: For example the singular nominative case 'cornu', the singular genitive case 'cornus', the singular dative case 'cornui', and so on.
Thus, 'cornu' technically isn't 'horn', but a singular nominative/accusative/ablative 'the horn'. Talking about Latin, it's just a common approach to name the singular nominative as the "base word", i.e. 'cornu'.
Also, in Germanic languages, there is a tendency to closed syllables (syllables ending with at least one consonant) at the end of a word. Therefore, the (outside of Latin unneccessary because meaningless) grammatical '-u' was dropped.
On a medical standpoint this Squatty Potty is not perfect because the perfect position to poop is with the ass at the same height as your ankles aprox. It has been studied in many medical universities in FR UK and US, maybe AUS too?
Kinda crazy that modern man forgot how to shit and now we need PhD and research to found back what we dislearned.
Btw i have a protip for all of you that work everywhere, sit on the chair, put your fists under your knees and put yourself on your tiptoes.
Patients with problematic consipation or diareah also need to build back abdominal muscles with exercies and also move more, cedentarity is bad!
Surely this topic is not for kids but i think it has its place on a gaming forum knowing how many times per day a normal person stay on a chair and even more a video game player!