don`t bother with a fake go pro, they will just be as choppy like a cheap camcorda, they use cmos which means absolute nothing except it will be shit like normal webcams
I don't always get this. I only get it after a few games. And I believe background applications somehow cause this.
I have 250 frames, it may fluctuate a bit but it comes back to 250 pretty fast, so hard to tell. 120hz monitor by Asus.
So everybody is telling me that this is normal lol? I really have a hard time grasping that because I don't always get it. Only when I get in game accel that comes and goes, sometimes my sensitivity feels slower, as if I have decel.
I have my mouse accel off and windows patched. I'm barely moving my mouse in there and my camera barely keeps up with the game.
it's normal that when you capture a 120hz screen with a 30hz camera that things will look blurry, teared and fucked up.
It's very logical because each frame on your camera captures 3 to 5 frames on your screen.
Whats the point of pretending to be stupid? Yea he made incomplete statements that are open to misinterpretation, but what do you actually get from being a dick?
He gets a slight chance the OP reads his post and understands we have no idea what is wrong from the evidence he provided. However he seems pretty oblivious up to now so it probably won't help.
how is explaining something suddenly called "being a dick"?
It's clear that he didn't understand my first (even shorter) explanation. So I rewrote it to be slightly more specific. Dunno how helping the guy understands means that I'm evil.
Mine looks the same. It looked like that at 60hz, so I got a 144hz monitor and it STILL does it, though, I think the ghost images are closer together. I'd need to do a side-by-side to be sure. But of course a camera will show that effect cus the shutter is gonna be open for longer than one frame. What you see with your eyes, might not be old frames persisting on-screen, but in your brain
Whatever you see on the recording is what really happens to my game. There is no blur, but the image is identical. If you look at those cones at the top of the map, that's really what happens, on enemies too. Obviously I try to keep my mouse steady so it does not destroy my eyes. Try playing like that for 2 hours, lol.
I've read Riot_Grrl's post before, I guess we experience something similar, but I haven't seen anyone else bringing it up.
So it's either apart of the game OR it's rare. It may be apart of it if you move the mouse very fast, but I'm barely moving my mouse. Unless me jittering it, is enough to cause this effect.
People are so spoiled these days with their new monitors. I still play on 60hz and it's a little bit of an issue, but not much, as I can still hit 70+ rail and 40+ lg. The problems come with a completely unrelated issue when the netcode/client-prediction and server gamestate fucks up.