On half the servers I play on, I'll average a 65-70ms ping and still hit on average 27% lg and anywhere between a 33% to 45% rail, which imo, is still shite.
Ok, but the part that doesn't make sense is that fact that I said that my aim is still shit. So he's using a poorly executed slam to try and make fun of me which didn't come off as a good slam or funny, thus it not making any sense.
Come on, she sux, she is just a girl afterall. I was always impressed by Rat playing with 140 ping. Everytimes i can, i play on somes servers with 140/150 ping, and now i think i am really dangerous (czm do that too i hear).
I am sure i can beat this girl if she run a server at 0 ping.
As we see here, the winner of quakecon lost straight to an avarage player who wouldn't stand a chance against the top male players of Quake3 for instance. Now imagine a merge of the girl tournaments with male ones, and you see that girls will fill most of the bottom places. This shows us once again why the trournaments need separation. Because girls blatanly suck at FPS games, no matter if the are winners of CPL/QCON or whatever.
This may sound harsh, but well it is like that, that doesn't mean that Trito or anyother girl doesn't deserve the money and fame, because they do. And I congratulate Trito and her fellow g0ds for the placements at QCON.
I was just speaking to bubble in general. He is the biggest waste of space on this site followed closely by brandan, daryl, cloud and jamerio. I didn't even read what he said and I don't care what he has to say.
People are so stupids. Example : maybe he was doing 99.99 % with all guns, and the chick was at phone during the last 5 mn.
So Freeq was shooting walls to stay hot.