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21:00 CDT - 1252 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
AG1M Prize Distribution Poll Variant 3
AG1M DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner rapha
AG1M Duel timelimit poll Time limit 15 min
AG1M Why do you subscribe to QuakeLive? I Never Subscribed
AG1M DreamHack Winter 2011 TDM winner colwn
AG1M Exceptional DH TDM Players noctis
AG1M Dreamhack MVP noctis
AG1M DH TDM Favorite Reason Gaming
AG1M DH Duel Favorite Cypher
AG1M Favorite Dreamhack competition Duel
AG1M MG Damage in TDM 5 dmg
AG1M Increased Hitbox size Bad
AG1M Zotac QL Cup Mappool Blood Run
Vertical Vengance
AG1M Who will be the IEM Asian Champion? Jibo (CN)
AG1M Current Web Browser Firefox
AG1M Spawns & Timelimit 15 minutes
AG1M Which comeback would you rather see? uNkind
AG1M Most suitable QL duel map [1] ZTN
[2] DM6
[3] T4
[4] T6
[5] T7
AG1M When did you start visiting ESReality? 2003
AG1M What cg_fov for ESL-TV stream? cg_fov 95
AG1M What r_picmip for ESL-TV stream? r_picmip 5
AG1M Which game mode do you play the most? Duel
AG1M Clanbase QuakeLive TDM settings Change to something else
AG1M QL CTF Format 4v4
AG1M QL Duel Mappool Replace qztourney6
AG1M Lightning gun damage? Don't care, just nerf it
AG1M Which notable events do you remember? ESReality Mousescore 2007
AG1M Worst feature of CQ3? CQ3 is fine, stop trolling
AG1M Who will win ESWC MoA Cypher
AG1M Favorite gameplay based on Q3? OSP vq3
AG1M ESWC maps Ztn3tourney1
AG1M ESWC Finals top 3 predictions. [1] Cypher
[2] fox
[3] av3k
AG1M ESWC Masters was :)
AG1M The future of OSP and VQ3 I don't care
AG1M GameGune Top 3 Predictions [1] magic/Nike
[2] fojji
[3] Cooller
AG1M Who do you WANT to win ESWC masters? czm
AG1M GameGune Q3 Allstars Poll Toxter
AG1M who would you rather be? cK-czm on cpm9 at KIT East final vs. stx
AG1M Is Forever right? I don't care
AG1M Who is your least favourite ESR user Some other annoying idiot
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