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14:19 CDT - 1496 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
PYTON Does kgb cheat? No way! Shut up clan519
PYTON Worst feature of CQ3? Ramp jumps
PYTON ESWC Q3 maplist poll No change
Keep pro-q3tourney4
Keep pro-q3dm6
PYTON Favorite gameplay based on Q3? QuakeLIVE
PYTON Who will one day win a big tournament ? rapha
PYTON Who will win ESWC? [1] Cypher
[2] k1llsen
[3] rapha
PYTON ESWC maps Pro-q3tourney4
PYTON ESWC Finals top 3 predictions. [1] Cypher
[2] CZM
[3] av3k
PYTON The future of OSP and VQ3 Update OSP with bugfixes (see #1)
PYTON Who will win ESWC Masters Cypher
PYTON ESWC Masters was :D
PYTON Who do you WANT to win ESWC masters? czm
PYTON GameGune Q3 Allstars Poll Toxic
PYTON who would you rather be? socrates coming back on Fat (T2-WCG2002)
PYTON Is Forever right? Yes
PYTON Who is your least favourite ESR user walter
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