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16:34 CDT - 1542 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
VelVet DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner DaHanG
everkill DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner rapha
sober DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner rapha
w4ph3r DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner rapha
abepl DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner Fraze
omek DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner fazz
kRoNic- Performance Awards Poll [1] Best unexpected performance
[2] Best match
[3] Best comeback
[4] Best frag
[5] Best interview
kRoNic- Prize Distribution Poll Variant 1 + Performance Awards
c1 DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner tox
obi Prize Distribution Poll Variant 1 + Performance Awards
A1RMAN Prize Distribution Poll Variant 1 + Performance Awards
r1ddler DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner detrony
Infector Prize Distribution Poll Variant 1 + Performance Awards
Infector Performance Awards Poll [1] Best comeback
[2] Best unexpected performance
[3] Best match
[4] Best frag
[5] Best interview
skint DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner DaHanG
Venser Performance Awards Poll [1] Best frag
[2] Best match
[3] Best unexpected performance
[4] Best comeback
[5] Best interview
dKsL DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner av3k
deathinfire Performance Awards Poll [1] Best comeback
[2] Best unexpected performance
[3] Best match
[4] Best frag
[5] Best interview
dKsL Performance Awards Poll [1] Best comeback
[2] Best frag
[3] Best match
[4] Best unexpected performance
[5] Best interview
ani DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner fazz
[eXodus] Performance Awards Poll [1] Best frag
[2] Best comeback
[3] Best match
[4] Best unexpected performance
[5] Best interview
losty Performance Awards Poll [1] Best frag
[2] Best match
[3] Best comeback
[4] Best unexpected performance
[5] Best interview
CAREEM Prize Distribution Poll Variant 1 + Map Wins Prizes (2)
Ur1ch Prize Distribution Poll Variant 1 + Performance Awards
wormed DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner av3k
wormed Prize Distribution Poll Variant 1 + Performance Awards
Ur1ch Performance Awards Poll [1] Best match
[2] Best unexpected performance
[3] Best frag
[4] Best interview
[5] Best comeback
qwih Performance Awards Poll [1] Best match
[2] Best comeback
[3] Best frag
[4] Best unexpected performance
[5] Best interview
Dammaj Performance Awards Poll [1] Best frag
[2] Best match
[3] Best comeback
[4] Best unexpected performance
[5] Best interview
wormed Performance Awards Poll [1] Best match
[2] Best comeback
[3] Best unexpected performance
[4] Best frag
[5] Best interview
dem0n Prize Distribution Poll Variant 3
FlashSoul Performance Awards Poll [1] Best comeback
[2] Best unexpected performance
[3] Best interview
[4] Best match
[5] Best frag
kava Performance Awards Poll [1] Best match
[2] Best comeback
[3] Best unexpected performance
[4] Best interview
[5] Best frag
pierow Prize Distribution Poll Variant 1 + Map Wins Prizes (1)
hipshot Performance Awards Poll [1] Best comeback
[2] Best match
[3] Best frag
[4] Best unexpected performance
[5] Best interview
kava Prize Distribution Poll Variant 2 + Performance Award
dem0n DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner Cypher
fragv Performance Awards Poll [1] Best match
[2] Best comeback
[3] Best unexpected performance
[4] Best frag
[5] Best interview
Teen Queen DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner rapha
fragv Prize Distribution Poll Variant 1 + Performance Awards
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