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02:13 CST - 927 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
terrorhead What mouse do you use? Cooler Master CM Storm Spawn
terrorhead Favorite Dreamhack competition TDM
terrorhead Zotac QL Cup Mappool Blood Run
Lost World
Vertical Vengance
Furious Heights
House of Decay
Concrete Palace
terrorhead IEM 5 EU Finals Playoff Recommendations k1llsen -vs- Cooller
av3k -vs- fazz
strenx -vs- Cooller
av3k -vs- Cypher
strenx -vs- Cypher
Coller -vs- av3k
terrorhead What Quake Live Account do you have? Premium
terrorhead What QL account would you pay for ? Going back to Q3
terrorhead Would you pay a subscription for QL? No
terrorhead Best spectator 1v1 map [1] T7
[2] ZTN
[3] DM13
[4] DM6
[5] T9
terrorhead Least competitive duel QL map? [1] qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
terrorhead IEM4 World Finals winner? rapha
terrorhead Who will be the IEM Asian Champion? Jibo (CN)
terrorhead Which would you Spectate? Team Deathmatch
Capture the Flag
Clan Arena
terrorhead Spawns & Timelimit 15 minutes
terrorhead Which comeback would you rather see? Someone else
terrorhead Who will win in Dubai (poll)? vtl`noctis
terrorhead Most suitable QL duel map [1] CA2
[2] DM6
[3] DM13
[4] ZTN
[5] T4
terrorhead Who will win QuakeCon '09? srs/rzr/Cypher
terrorhead What r_picmip for ESL-TV stream? r_picmip 6 (Simpler textures)
terrorhead QL CTF Format 5v5
terrorhead cg_fov in CPM 116-120
terrorhead gillz a troll
totally dense
terrorhead Does kgb cheat? No way! Shut up clan519
terrorhead ESWC maps Ztn3tourney1
terrorhead Who do you WANT to win ESWC masters? proZac
terrorhead Is Forever right? I don't care
terrorhead xerp poll Lets all switch to CQ3!
terrorhead vq3 vs CPM, OSP vs CPMA CPMA CPM
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