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17:11 CDT - 1062 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
POL_ThrawN QuakeLive CTF 4v4 or 5v5 ? 5v5
POL_ThrawN Nations Cup Choices...! TDM
POL_ThrawN Clanbase QuakeLive TDM settings Change to Q3-ish settings
POL_ThrawN ESWC Q3 maplist poll Replace two maps
POL_ThrawN When should the Quake Nations Cup start? The 1st of December with a holiday break
POL_ThrawN The future of OSP and VQ3 CPMA does the job
POL_ThrawN GameGune Top 3 Predictions [1] Av3k
[2] RazerJ
[3] magic/Nike
POL_ThrawN Is Forever right? No
POL_ThrawN Who is your least favourite ESR user Some other annoying idiot
POL_ThrawN Quake Live Mass newcomers to old vQ3! Im a believer
POL_ThrawN Preferred Quake3 Movement CPMA, Movement at 125 FPS in OSP
POL_ThrawN vq3 vs CPM, OSP vs CPMA OSP VQ3
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