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15:49 CDT - 1415 users online
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User Poll Choice
krid Duel timelimit poll Time limit 15 min
krid Which game mode do you play the most? Duel
krid Does kgb cheat? No way! Shut up clan519
krid What did you get for Xmas? Game(s)
krid US presidential election, 2008 Barack Obama
krid Who will win ESWC Masters fox
krid Who is your least favourite ESR user Some other annoying idiot
krid Quake Live Mass newcomers to old vQ3! Im a believer
krid xerp poll Lets all switch to CQ3!
krid Preferred Quake3 Movement CPMA, Movement at 125 FPS in OSP
krid Best Q3 Video of all time? Annihilation
krid cg_fov in CPM 116-120
krid Severity... Will have a PainKiller sized community
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