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User Poll Choice
Kujiwa Which would you Spectate? Team Deathmatch
Kujiwa Who will win in Dubai (poll)? spammah
Kujiwa Most suitable QL duel map [1] T4
[2] DM13
[3] ZTN
[4] T7
[5] T9
Kujiwa What mode for QL EMS5? 2v2
Kujiwa What r_picmip for ESL-TV stream? r_picmip 1
Kujiwa What cg_fov for ESL-TV stream? cg_fov 105
Kujiwa QL CTF Format 4v4
Kujiwa QL Duel Mappool Replace qztourney6
Kujiwa Lightning gun damage? 6-6-6
Kujiwa US presidential election, 2008 Not American (don't care)
Kujiwa Who will win ESWC MoA Toxjq
Kujiwa GameGune Top 3 Predictions [1] fojji
[2] magic/Nike
[3] Cooller
Kujiwa GameGune Q3 Allstars Poll Toxic
Kujiwa Best Q3 Video of all time? Something else
Kujiwa Preferred Quake3 Movement OSP, Physics constants vary with FPS
Kujiwa eSport coverage site: Your Pick ESReality
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