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Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
CAREEM Do you want Clan Arena in Quake Champions? Yes
CAREEM DHW13 - Best Frag Award Cypher 3
CAREEM DHW13 - Best Match Award Cypher vs Rapha
CAREEM Prize Distribution Poll Variant 1 + Map Wins Prizes (2)
CAREEM DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner tox
CAREEM Adroits duel map poll Bloodrun
CAREEM Diablo III class ? Demon Hunter
CAREEM DH Duel Favorite Cypher
CAREEM Zotac QL Cup Mappool Campgrounds
Furious Heights
House of Decay
CAREEM Kaspersky Award Cypher
CAREEM Least competitive duel QL map? [1] ztntourney1 - Blood Run
[2] qzdm13 - Lost World
[3] qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
[4] qztourney7 - Furious heights
[5] qztourney9 - The House of Decay
CAREEM IEM4 World Finals winner? cypher
CAREEM Most suitable QL duel map [1] T9
[2] T7
[3] DM6
[4] T6
[5] CA2
CAREEM When did you start visiting ESReality? 2006
CAREEM Which game mode do you play the most? Instagib
CAREEM QL Duel Mappool Replace qztourney4
CAREEM Favorite gameplay based on Q3? QuakeLIVE
CAREEM Who will one day win a big tournament ? Jibo
Conceived and created by Sujoy Roy (Legal Notices)
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