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16:37 CST - 1036 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
meh_ DreamHack Winter 2011 Gametype(s)? Capture The Flag
Freeze Tag
meh_ Timer direction for streams Counting Down
meh_ DH Duel Favorite Cooller
meh_ TDM Maps for DreamHack Summer 2011 Dies Irae
meh_ IEM 5 EU Finals Playoff Recommendations k1llsen -vs- Cooller
strenx -vs- Cooller
Coller -vs- av3k
meh_ Quakelive subscription I don't have a subscription
meh_ What QL account would you pay for ? Going back to Q3
meh_ Least competitive duel QL map? [1] qztourney9 - The House of Decay
[2] ztntourney1 - Blood Run
[3] qztourney7 - Furious heights
[4] qzdm13 - Lost World
[5] qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
meh_ Best spectator 1v1 map [1] ZTN
[2] T7
[3] DM6
[4] T9
[5] DM13
meh_ DevPick Servers: Apr. 16-18 *facepalm*
meh_ IEM4 World Finals winner? Cooller
meh_ Who will be the IEM Asian Champion? Jibo (CN)
meh_ Current Web Browser Firefox
meh_ Spawns & Timelimit 10 minutes
meh_ IEM American Ch. final standings [1] Vo0
[2] chance
[3] DaHanG
[4] rapha
meh_ Nations Cup Choices...! TDM
meh_ Should we let Streetrunner post news? No
meh_ Which comeback would you rather see? uNkind
meh_ Who will win in Dubai (poll)? vtl`noctis
meh_ Most suitable QL duel map [1] DM6
[2] ZTN
[3] DM13
[4] T4
[5] T9
meh_ What mode for QL EMS5? 2v2
meh_ When did you start visiting ESReality? 2003
meh_ Who will win QuakeCon '09? NOT.noctis
meh_ What cg_fov for ESL-TV stream? cg_fov 100
meh_ What r_picmip for ESL-TV stream? r_picmip 0 (Highest quality)
meh_ Why noctis left EMS4? He doesn't have Q3 installed anymore
He's not Rick Astley
"hardware crash zomg lost all data omfg"
CBA - severe form of laziness
He's busy building a TDM map for QL
Cause he's emo (top choice so far)
meh_ Which game mode do you play the most? Defrag/Trickjumping
meh_ QL Duel Mappool Replace qztourney6
meh_ Lightning gun damage? 6-6-6
meh_ gillz french
meh_ Which notable events do you remember? Don't remember any
meh_ Voice com for #cpmpickup games No, never.
meh_ Does kgb cheat? No way! Shut up clan519
meh_ ESWC Q3 maplist poll Replace two maps
Use pukka3tourney2
Use pukka3tourney5
Use another new map
meh_ Do You Consider Gaming as a Sport? I think its similar, but no sport
meh_ What did you get for Xmas? Other
meh_ When should the Quake Nations Cup start? The sooner the better
meh_ US presidential election, 2008 Not American (don't care)
meh_ Who will win ESWC MoA Cypher
meh_ Favorite gameplay based on Q3? QuakeLIVE
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