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serak DH Duel Favorite rapha
serak Zotac QL Cup Mappool Blood Run
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Furious Heights
serak What QL account would you pay for ? Pro account
serak What tournaments do you want? 1v1 invite groups + playoffs
serak Least competitive duel QL map? [1] qztourney9 - The House of Decay
[2] qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
[3] qzdm13 - Lost World
[4] qztourney7 - Furious heights
[5] ztntourney1 - Blood Run
serak Spawns & Timelimit 15 minutes
serak Nations Cup Choices...! TDM
serak Most suitable QL duel map [1] ZTN
[2] DM6
[3] DM13
[4] T4
[5] T9
serak Who will win ESWC MoA a Greek God
serak vq3 vs CPM, OSP vs CPMA OSP VQ3
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