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14:35 CDT - 862 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
per1klez What mouse do you use? Razer Abyssus
per1klez Dreamhack MVP toxjq
per1klez DH TDM Favorite Ultrafrag
per1klez DH Duel Favorite Spart1e
per1klez Zotac QL Cup Mappool House of Decay
Concrete Palace
per1klez TDM Maps for DreamHack Summer 2011 Dies Irae
Dreadful Place (q3shw23)
Realm of Steel Rats (cpm4)
per1klez What QL account would you pay for ? Premium account
per1klez What tournaments do you want? something totally different (comments)
per1klez Which comeback would you rather see? Fatal1ty
per1klez Most suitable QL duel map [1] T7
[2] ZTN
[3] CA2
[4] T9
[5] DM13
per1klez Lightning gun damage? 7-7-7
per1klez Does kgb cheat? Yes, for sure!
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