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23:07 CST - 817 users online
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User Poll Choice
BloodRave 125 FPS Showmatch - Cooller vs Strenx Cooller 4-3
BloodRave 125 FPS Showmatch - Cooller vs Strenx Cooller
BloodRave Add a railgun on Arcane Citadel? No
BloodRave Which Quake has your favourite movement Quake 3 CPM
BloodRave DHW13 - Best Frag Award Luukets 1
BloodRave DHW13 - Best Unexpected Performance plazma
BloodRave DHW13 - Best Match Award Cypher vs Rapha
BloodRave DHW13 - Best Comeback Award Killsen (POV) vs Dahang on Tox (Group)
BloodRave 125 FPS Showmatch - k1llsen vs av3k av3k
BloodRave Poll-125 FPS Showmatch#1strenx vs agent strenx 4-3
BloodRave Adroits duel map poll Bloodrun
BloodRave Why do you subscribe to QuakeLive? To Support Quake
BloodRave DreamHack Winter 2011 Duel winner tox
BloodRave Where are Private Drafts? No
BloodRave DreamHack Winter 2011 Gametype(s)? Team Deathmatch
BloodRave What mouse do you use? Razer DeathAdder 3G
BloodRave MG Damage in TDM 5 dmg
Conceived and created by Sujoy Roy (Legal Notices)
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