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05:22 CST - 1686 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
Mocie What Quake Live Account do you have? Premium
Mocie What tournaments do you want? 1v1 invite groups + playoffs
2v2 public
Mocie What QL account would you pay for ? Premium account
Mocie Would you pay a subscription for QL? Yes
Mocie Least competitive duel QL map? [1] qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
[2] qzdm13 - Lost World
[3] qztourney7 - Furious heights
[4] ztntourney1 - Blood Run
[5] qztourney9 - The House of Decay
Mocie Best spectator 1v1 map [1] DM6
[2] T9
[3] T7
[4] DM13
[5] ZTN
Mocie DevPick Servers: Apr. 16-18 I'd rather see new maps
Mocie IEM4 World Finals winner? cypher
Mocie Which would you Spectate? Team Deathmatch
Mocie Who will be the IEM Asian Champion? Jibo (CN)
Mocie Current Web Browser Firefox
Mocie Spawns & Timelimit 10 minutes
Hoony Mode
Mocie IEM American Ch. final standings [1] DaHanG
[2] rapha
[3] chance
[4] Vo0
Mocie Nations Cup Choices...! CTF
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