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13:44 CDT - 907 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
chubz TZAC ANTICHEAT for QL? Yes
chubz TDM Maps for DreamHack Summer 2011 Dies Irae
Dreadful Place (q3shw23)
Hidden Fortress (dm20)
Intervention (osp6)
Realm of Steel Rats (cpm4)
chubz CB EC XXII: MVP METSU Juven1le
chubz What Quake Live Account do you have? Free (but want to upgrade)
chubz QuakeLive CTF 4v4 or 5v5 ? 4v4
chubz What QL account would you pay for ? Not sure
chubz Which would you Spectate? Team Deathmatch
Capture the Flag
Clan Arena
Conceived and created by Sujoy Roy (Legal Notices)
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