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11:59 CDT - 996 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
wormed Quake Champions Beta Impressions Generally Neutral
wormed When were you introduced to quake? 1996 baby!
wormed Donations to send duelers to QC'14 Yes
wormed 125 FPS Showmatch - Cooller vs Strenx Strenx 5-2
wormed Anyone care to see changes to Phrantic? Option B
wormed Spawn Kill Duel North America Sundays 7pm East
wormed DHW13 - Best Frag Award Gienon 1
wormed DHW13 - Best Unexpected Performance plazma
wormed DHW13 - Best Comeback Award Killsen (POV) vs Dahang on Tox (Group)
wormed Which Quake has your favourite movement Quake Live
wormed DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner av3k
wormed Prize Distribution Poll Variant 1 + Performance Awards
wormed Performance Awards Poll [1] Best match
[2] Best comeback
[3] Best unexpected performance
[4] Best frag
[5] Best interview
wormed 125 FPS Showmatch - k1llsen vs av3k av3k
wormed 125 FPS ShowMatch#1 Poll: evil vs strenx strenx 4-3
wormed Poll-125 FPS Showmatch#1strenx vs agent strenx 5-2
wormed Adroits duel map poll Lost World
Conceived and created by Sujoy Roy (Legal Notices)
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