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21:03 CDT - 1221 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
Stasis Would you pay a subscription for QL? No
Stasis When did you start visiting ESReality? 2000
Stasis Do You Consider Gaming as a Sport? I think its similar, but no sport
Stasis Who will one day win a big tournament ? Jibo
Stasis The future of OSP and VQ3 I don't care
Stasis GameGune Top 3 Predictions [1] czm
[2] Av3k
[3] Cooller
Stasis ESWC Masters was :D
Stasis cg_fov in CPM 96-100
Stasis GameGune Q3 Allstars Poll LoSt-CaUzE
Stasis Is Forever right? No
Stasis who would you rather be? Thresh at Red Annihilation (1997)
Stasis Who is your least favourite ESR user Some other annoying idiot
Stasis Quake Live Mass newcomers to old vQ3! Im a believer
Stasis The CPL is no more What? I just bought F.E.A.R
Stasis vq3 vs CPM, OSP vs CPMA CPMA CPM
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