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User Poll Choice
impulseBE DHW13 - Best Comeback Award Killsen (POV) vs Dahang on Tox (Group)
impulseBE DHW13 - Best Match Award Spartie vs Ph4ntom
impulseBE DHW13 - Best Unexpected Performance plazma
impulseBE DHW13 - Best Frag Award Gienon 1
impulseBE Which Quake has your favourite movement Quake 3 CPM
impulseBE DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner fazz
impulseBE Poll-125 FPS Showmatch#1strenx vs agent agent 5-2
impulseBE What mode for QL EMS5? TDM
impulseBE When did you start visiting ESReality? 2000
impulseBE Who will win QuakeCon '09? NOT.noctis
impulseBE What cg_fov for ESL-TV stream? cg_fov 105
impulseBE What r_picmip for ESL-TV stream? r_picmip 0 (Highest quality)
impulseBE QL CTF Format 4v4
impulseBE Clanbase QuakeLive TDM settings Change to Q3-ish settings
impulseBE QL Duel Mappool Replace qztourney6
impulseBE Lightning gun damage? 6-6-6
impulseBE Which notable events do you remember? XSReality becoming ESReality
The Blue bug
Thresh outvoted as Greatest Gamer
ESReality Mousescore 2007
CPL Disbanding
The end of [-]
Entry #36
impulseBE US presidential election, 2008 Barack Obama
impulseBE ESWC Masters was :D
impulseBE GameGune Q3 Allstars Poll Toxic
impulseBE Is Forever right? Yes
impulseBE Quake Live Mass newcomers to old vQ3! Im a believer
impulseBE xerp poll Lets all switch to CQ3!
impulseBE Preferred Quake3 Movement CPMA, Movement at 125 FPS in OSP
impulseBE eSport coverage site: Your Pick ESReality
impulseBE vq3 vs CPM, OSP vs CPMA CPMA VQ3
impulseBE CPL to use 2ms TFT Screens I'll wait until I've tried it
impulseBE Best Cooller Quote your lg is nothink on the lan
impulseBE Will the UT2K4 Demo Be out in 2 Weeks? a bit more than that
impulseBE Who are the most annoying ESR users? melachi
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