I had the chance to talk with Dennis about his gaming career, his experiences with other players aswell as his views on eSports as it is today and of course his Ferrari.
Here is a snippet:
Is it true, that id Software came up to you and asked for your input when developing Quake 3?Check out the full interview and learn what Thresh thinks about who should be the real CPL World Tour champion...
Yes, I helped with the multiplayer aspects of Quake 2 and Quake 3. In fact, as a way to thank me for my input on Quake 2, John Carmack built my config into the game. You can type “Exec thresh.cfg” on any Quake 2 machine and it would work. :)
Edited by scoop at 03:04 GMT, 5th Feb 2006 - 179679 Hits