My brother who has been using Linux for the past few years persuaded me to give it another try and said that it was much simpilar to use now. At first I was excited, finally I would be running a 64bit OS, and from what I had seen and read, it was much easier to use than in the past.
Since I quit programming in 2002 however, I've gotten incredibly rusty in most technical things, I really can't be bothered with most things. So I was hoping that once I installed and set up linux, that will be the end of most of my problems (I hate it when windows fucks up)
Anyway, so 3 days ago I searched the net to find out which distribution I was going to download and try to use. After reading up about a few I decided on Novell SUSE 10.0 which is meant to be the most n00bish good one. I downloaded the internet installation boot disk iso, and proceeded to try and install it. Not much problem there, the cd booted and I was greeted by a friendly blue and green boot screen.
And so the problems start. Freaking hell can they make a menu anymore less user friendly? And the worst thing is, that if you make the wrong selection, you cant go back, it restarts your pc for you, ho ho, THANKS! But not to worry, I found what I needed to do, I typed in the URL that I was going to be installing from (I chose to install over the net because I have bandwidth limitations because of the crap internet in my country, ie. I'm only allowed 30gb traffic per month) and then selected install. It started downloading a 60mb file. No problem, 30 minute wait isn't too bad.
The installation was in full swing now, I started choosing options and such, which was all good, and then the installation started, which was going to be downloading 2.3gb onto my pc. Just for a bit of back ground, I am in South Africa, and I have 192k ADSL, so although it's faster than dialup, it's still not that fast. I promptly go to sleep, and woke up the next morning. The installation was still going nothing wrong there, it was a bit slow but nothing too bad. So I waited around for about 5 hours, watching each download go by, until it got to one file, and just stopped.
I sat at my PC for 4 fucking hours watching the bar just sit there, so I decided that I should try and reboot and carry on the installation like that. Once I restarted, I then found out that there was apsolutely no way to repair and installation that goes wrong. The best bit was that every time I chose an option, it downloaded the 60meg install file to my pc, then after I figured out that I couldn't rescue it, when I went back it restarted the fucking pc. GREAT!
I did finally manage to do another clean install, and after about 18 hours, it was done. I excitedly restarted the PC, and linux booted up for the very first time, and then I was greeted by some fucked up screen that said half the programs on my PC were out of date and I needed to update them, a nice 300mb download. fuckit. I did it, I finally got to the desktop. I opened firefox, browser seemed to work, then I tried to play an mp3. Low and behold. I have a choice of 3 fucking mp3 players but it turns out that SUSE has no capabilities to play mp3's off a fresh install. GREAT! I then try to run a media player to watch something (my sound still has not been tested out) It has no codecs! So I think, ok no problem here I'll download vlc. Unfortuanately, in order to get vlc player to work I need to download about 50 other files and install each one individually. In the right order.
I finally found a page that gives a tutorial to do all this shit which I am attempting now, and look what it says here:
When you're done installing SUSE Linux 10.0, your desktop system is not complete. If you installed the OSS version, you still need support for Java programs, MP3 audio files, and browser plugins for Macromedia Flash, Adobe Acrobat, RealPlayer, and Windows Media Video. If you installed the commercial edition you might have all of those things, but still not have support for playing DVD videos on your computer. Here's how to effectively make SUSE Linux 10.0 into a desktop powerhouse.
On the plus side, I think that I will be able to get everything sorted out in a few days, I hope to get Quake 3 and Quake 4 running soon (with OpenAL because its native in linux woo hoo!) And it does look very pretty. Argggghh.
A bit about my personal life, I quit my job over a month ago, been sitting at home since then. I have gotten another job with double the pay (Online Poker website customer service thingy) but I only start in a month. I was also in a car accident a month ago where my car rolled a few times and has been written off, I was ok except one half of my face was cut up a bit, um. yeah.
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