What to chose?
Theoretical physics or Philosophy? I wanna do both but it's not really possible here, because there are 3 year programs, and after 3 years you have to take two more years to get a degree -- and they are very specialized to the subjects all the way, so i don't think there is much room for choise; at least not since the subjects are so very different. Perhaps i'll just do a year with philosophy to test it out or something, but then again people claim it's different and a million times more boring than they had imagined it to be -_-
But what do you think would be best taking first? I would think philosophy is better to take first because it's like a foundation for everything else you will be learning, but then again perhaps my math/physics brain will just die in the meantime, so when i'm finally going to use it, it's all gone? xD
I dunno, never went without math for extended piriods of time, but if holidays are any indication, it is pretty bad :\
But then again, again, if i take physics, i think it's like 100times easier to get a job; it's not that i chose based on money i will be earning, but if i get a kickass job within physics i could work with it and do philosophy in my sparetime. If i do the same with philosophy i would get a shitty job within it, but would then perhaps have no sparetime to physics because i had less money :\
But then again, again, again, perhaps philosophy in my sparetime would ruin a solid platform that the school could teach me right now? Like with anything i've experienced -- having a teacher when you are beginning to learn something makes the learning not only more rapid, but also sets solid foundations so you don't build your skill up by flaws.
I just don't know, every time i convince myself one way or another, i just convince myself back again the other day :\/\/\
Soo yeah, argz.. Probably have 346634 more agruments, but what i'm probably mainly looking for here, is some input regarding what these subjects really are, cuz i've not had philosophy in school, and i'm not all that sure how phyiscs would be higher up in the system -- nor the attached math anyhow..
commetz welcome <:
Theoretical physics or Philosophy? I wanna do both but it's not really possible here, because there are 3 year programs, and after 3 years you have to take two more years to get a degree -- and they are very specialized to the subjects all the way, so i don't think there is much room for choise; at least not since the subjects are so very different. Perhaps i'll just do a year with philosophy to test it out or something, but then again people claim it's different and a million times more boring than they had imagined it to be -_-
But what do you think would be best taking first? I would think philosophy is better to take first because it's like a foundation for everything else you will be learning, but then again perhaps my math/physics brain will just die in the meantime, so when i'm finally going to use it, it's all gone? xD
I dunno, never went without math for extended piriods of time, but if holidays are any indication, it is pretty bad :\
But then again, again, if i take physics, i think it's like 100times easier to get a job; it's not that i chose based on money i will be earning, but if i get a kickass job within physics i could work with it and do philosophy in my sparetime. If i do the same with philosophy i would get a shitty job within it, but would then perhaps have no sparetime to physics because i had less money :\
But then again, again, again, perhaps philosophy in my sparetime would ruin a solid platform that the school could teach me right now? Like with anything i've experienced -- having a teacher when you are beginning to learn something makes the learning not only more rapid, but also sets solid foundations so you don't build your skill up by flaws.
I just don't know, every time i convince myself one way or another, i just convince myself back again the other day :\/\/\
Soo yeah, argz.. Probably have 346634 more agruments, but what i'm probably mainly looking for here, is some input regarding what these subjects really are, cuz i've not had philosophy in school, and i'm not all that sure how phyiscs would be higher up in the system -- nor the attached math anyhow..
commetz welcome <:
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