anyway, i was wondering, i made myself a brightskin in QW, and I set it to be my own skin. i forget how skin downloading works - does it need to be on the server, or do people download it off of me directly? just wondering.
here's what it looks like, if anyone gives a shit
this is essentially a recreation of the brightskin i used when i played QW as a teenager. i picked the fire color strip because in the old QW client that part of the palette was always fullbright. this is not a big deal anymore, but i felt like remaking it for nostaglia's purposes. it might be in the quakeworld skin packs somewhere, but fucked if i remember the filename.
i think it's pretty funny how everyone called me a faggot in 1998 doing this, and now here we are, with brightskins slated to be a standard feature in quake 4 ^_^
the shoulder pads/gun and the boots change the player colors, so that I can still tell people apart. i've tried using a solid color brightskin before, and they made my rocket aim horrible.
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