, the well known trick jumper who has been featured in numerous films and who has created films of his own such as "The Final n00b" & "Lags DFWC 02 Story" brings us his final Defrag film "Lags The Movie". This very fast paced film was made in only 5 days and runs a little over 7 minutes.

- Movie File ( 221MB
- Google Video (180 clicks)
- Levitation (2053 clicks)
- (1361 clicks)
Edited by RogeR1 at 21:29 GMT, 9th Mar 2006 - 76030 Hits
edit: Good quality movie. Although the music isn't really to my likeing, it fits very well with the movie.
Seeing quality Q3 movies really sparked my interest in Quake, and eventually made me pick up Q3. Especially Defrag movies really show what a quality game Q3 is. Unfortunately they also illustrate how horribly bad Quake 4 is compared to its predecessor.