so i made a mod...for an xbox game
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i spent the past week learning how to mod my xbox, it's really easy. all you need is an action replay and a copy of mechassault. if you have a soldering iron, you can sacrifice a broken controller and mouse and fuse the wires together instead of getting action replay - i tried it this way, but i fucked it up cause i don't know how to solder
then i downloaded a few halo 2 editors, cranked the gameplay speed so you run twice as fast and can jump to a second story floor, adjusted the weapon balance so everything nearly kills you instantly
removed the exceedingly lame spray-and-pray recoil on the machinegun and plasma rifle, gave the machinegun headshots and the plasma rifle crazy firing rate, turned the shotgun into a qw-esque rocket launcher with comparable knockback (!), removed the lame homing on plasma pistol so it actually takes skill to use now, raised the firing rate of the battle rifle to halo 1 pistol levels, made the carbine shoot needler rounds, and turned the beam rifle into a railgun
and to get some item control going, added some overshields to the map and normalized the weapon respawn times at 15 seconds for low tier weapons and 30 for high, then sliced the loadout ammo severely. i need to cut down on the number of weapons on map and add ammo boxes, but i have not figured out how to alter the ammo box count yet.
the game is a lot of fun now, dual wield dominates mid/close range and you have to frantically circle the map picking up new weapons. everyone seems to run out of ammo completely at least once a game. because there is plenty of shield to go around, the damage types on the cov weapons actually matter (they do more damage to shield and less to life, if you've never played the game) being able to only carry three weapons at a time also actually means something now, because there are certain weapon combinations that are excellent at spawn raping and others are better at taking down stacked opponents.
lots of spawn raping, one game can go 35-24 then the next one can go 54-5, and we've only managed to play 1v1 splitscreen. you start with a weaker version of the plasma rifle that doesn't overheat
too bad i don't have many people to play it with! despite the fact that i put a huge sticker on the xbox saying "DO NOT PLAY THIS XBOX ONLINE", my little brother's friend decided to try playing it in matchmaking and got banned in one game. at least the anti-cheat system works, huh?
it's also too bad bungie is completely clueless. they spend more time posting on their forum, flaming Halo 1 and MLG players for being good at their game than they do actually fixing the fucking thing. anyone who thinks they are good at a video game apparently needs to get a life, in their book. those faggots need to play some quake, then they will understand
any of you guys use xbconnect? it'd be fantastic if i could get a few rounds of this game going online after i mod the rest of the maps and get the weapon balance fine tuned
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