Event: CPL WS'06

10) I broke my arm.
9) I broke my leg.
8) Q4 game physic is too slow for PK champion.
7) So I will play in CPMA [at time when all best gamers are retarded]
6) Mr. dear President of great United States of America ask me to promote gaming in middle east.
5) I've archivement everything what is possible, so why should I play another WT?
4) Because I'm gay (smU is my -lord, not Munoz)
3) Chuck Norris will attend...
2) I want to prove that I'm the best FPS progamer in the whole world in my Creative Tour in Vietnam, Uganda and Mongolia.
1) Infinite own me :( (fatality!)
Edited by freak(!) at 13:38 GMT, 3rd Apr 2006 - 14562 Hits