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Rating: 5.8 (7 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Capture The Flag
Viewpoint: Napalm3D
Version info: 1.32
How to play back Q3 demos

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My case against Napalm3D

I have been (and probably will be) flamed for this, but I really don't care. I've spent years playing Quake 3, and in my prime, I would say I've had some very good aim (just never any strategy, oh well.. I have ADD :P). The point is, I've put a lot of work into getting decent at gaming and so have many others, and it's simply not fair for someone like Napalm3D to undermine our efforts and get all the respect. Even if Quake 3 is 'dead', and no one takes it seriously anymore, it's still not fair for a cheater to ruin peoples games. So, before I let this whole thing go, I will have the last word on Napalm3D, and it will be heard throughout what's left of the community.

In this article, I will state all the reasons, the how and the why, in which I believe Napalm3D is (and apparently always was) a cheater. Included will be what I believe is solid evidence. A demo that I watched last night that is the most convincing I've seen of him yet. So far, he has done a good job covering it up in other demos, but not as well on this one. I will be looking at more demos and I'll update this article as I find more proof. If you can't see that this guy's cheating, then you have either never played with a bot or watched a bot in ANY fps. He uses the alias WHOOBS in this demo, but everyone knows it's him.

Before I begin, let me explain how bots work. They are usually very customizable and probably even moreso in Nap's case, as it is probably more advanced than the bots I've tested years ago. Some of the more important options, from an old OGC bot for example, include:

* Auto Aim (crosshair locks on to or near target)
* Auto Fire (gun fires whenever target hits the crosshair)
* IgnoreWalls (toggles auto aiming through walls)
* Wall hack (player models can be seen through walls)
* Text info (information about the enemy weapons, health, armor)
(this may help the user to know which weapon to use against the enemy)

The way I believe Nap's autoaim works is pretty simple. He toggles it when he feels the time is right, perhaps when it is most necessary or when he thinks no one is watching. It doesn't actually lock on to the enemy until he manually moves his crosshair on him, and it stays locked on until he ever so slightly moves his mouse. This makes him seem legit, but if you pay close attention, you can easily tell. Most often he will be locked on and then he'll move his mouse the opposite way the enemy is moving, and then back onto him, and it will lock on again.

The wallhack is probably always on, as it is not obvious enough if the player knows how to hide it. Autofire is toggled, again in order to maintain his legit image. Ignorewalls is on, because he often keeps firing mg/lg at the wall, but it doesn't lock on anymore. The reason he keeps firing is, due to the wallhack, he doesn't realize until a second or so later that the target is no longer within his line of fire.

All of these options can also be set to toggle for individual weapons. (i.e. autofire for railgun, autoaim for lightning gun)

Watch the demo in BASEQ3 using r_shownormals 1 if you want to see through the eyes of a wallhacker. This cvar is sort of a wallhack that is implemented into the game engine, but is set cheat only. I use Seismovision as a demo player, and I have it in the command line for Q3. Just add in "+set r_shownormals 1" after quake3.exe.

Below are times in the demo that stood out to me. The demo is packed with cheating, as you'll see. Of course, I didn't jot down each and every instance of hacking. I would be sitting here all day. This is definitely enough though. The times are not always exact, so be prepared 5-10 seconds before the stated time.

1:15 - Autoaim with LG

3:42 - Autoaim with MG

4:05 - This flick is just super obvious. An over 90 degree flick that smooth can't be real. It is possible that he manually flicked his mouse and his autofire triggered, or his autoaim went berserk. This happens again...

4:42 - Autoshoot/Wallhack with RG

7:54 - Autoaim with MG

9:06 - Autoaim with LG - Notice he is still firing after enemy is over platform

9:50 - Autoaim with MG

9:55-10:02 - WHOA! Perfect example of autoaim right here. He must have let go of his mouse for this one.

10:15 - Autoaim with MG

11:15 - Autoaim with MG

12:40 - Autoaim with LG

15:20 - Deliberate missing, as to try to confuse spectators and perhaps lower his stats. He is caught doing this a lot in other demos.

15:44 - Autoaim with LG

16:02 - Autoaim/Flick gone berserk again? This time he shoots his teammate, and it's a near 180 degree turn. If you slow it down you'll notice he actually hits him.

17:17 - Autoaim with LG

17:28 - Here he's locking on to a team mate with MG. He must have been very careless in this game.

By now it should be plain obvious. If anyone needs more proof (I don't know why anyone would), feel free to contact me on ETG. I will be posting more demos and times if necessary. Thank you all for taking the time to read this/watch this demo and finally exposing this childish fool for what he is.

To Nate: Thanks for ruining our games, now run off until you find some skill or perhaps someone that is actually good to play the game for you.

#unchained on irc.enterthegame.com

I watched a few old demos from 2005, where he was blatantly hacking as usual, and it seems a lot more people knew about his hacking than I thought, but never did anything about it (like make an article such as this one) because once again, the idea that q3 was 'dead'. Due to this mentality, he got away with a lot more BS that could have been put to an end a long time ago. The community seems to have failed itself by not caring. Now he is off hacking in Q4 and possibly other games. Good job everyone... pat yourselves on the back.

*update 2*
For the past over an hour and a half, Napalm's been talking to me on IRC. Everything from denying that he was WHOOBS, and saying he uninstalled to saying the demo is legit and agreeing with the specs that his movement does suck. Then he started explaining to me how the bot works, while at the same time saying he doesn't use it.. "I'm just a very good player". He went as far as to say that the bot actually messes up his lg more than it helps him. However, his description of how the bot works seems pretty close which puts him even deeper in the shithole. The way he explained it is that it 'assists' the aim rather than locking directly on, so in other words you'd have to aim with it together and it would add on an extra 5-8% (more like 50-80%). He even posted me a bunch of coordinates directly from the bot config, but he supposedly doesn't have the bot anymore. This guy is so eager to prove that he doesn't cheat that he's actually giving me proof that he does. Does this make sense?

Napalm's Defense... if you can call it that.

*update 3*
apologies, i thought the napalm vs lolz demo uploaded. it doesn't seem to send for some reason, and i have no where to host it. i've got a fast connect though.. hit me up on irc