Event: QCON '06

Schedule: Passed
With about 1,800 BYOC spots, QuakeCon 2006 will be a bit more exclusive than it has been the last couple of years.
QuakeCon 2006 will of course include all the great activities that it’s known for, including high-stakes tournaments, workshops, exhibitors, the BYOC Area, parties, and the public’s first chance to play Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.
First-come, first-served online registration for the BYOC area will kick off at 20:00 CDT, 28 June 2006 at www.quakecon.org .
1st Place ... $15,000
2nd Place ... $7,000
3rd Place ... $5,000
4th Place ... $3,000
5th Place ... $2,000
6th Place ... $1,500
7th Place ... $750
8th Place ... $750
2nd Place ... $7,000
3rd Place ... $5,000
4th Place ... $3,000
5th Place ... $2,000
6th Place ... $1,500
7th Place ... $750
8th Place ... $750


Placebo Effect

1. General
1. 1.1 The QuakeCon 2006 128-player Quake 4 1v1 Championship will start Thursday with two rounds of single elimination 1v1 play followed by a bracket-style double elimination tournament.
2. 1.1.1 The tournament will consist of best of one map play.
3. 1.2 Players must confirm their tourney spot in person at the tournament area by 2 pm on Thursday, or risk disqualification. Matches are scheduled to start at 3 p.m. on Thursday.
4. 1.3 Player names may not contain offensive words. This is left up to the discretion of the tournament officials. Any player names found to be offensive must be changed immediately upon notification.
5. 1.4 Tournament pre-registration will be held online, starting Friday, July 21, at 7:00PM CDT, remaining open until 12:00AM on August 1, 2006. Any player that obtains a pre-registration spot MUST confirm their registration IN THE TOURNAMENT AREA, prior to 2:00PM on Thursday, August 3, 2006. Any remaining spots will be assigned in a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED fashion, beginning at 2:00P.M.
2. Match Rules
1. 2.1 All maps will be played using a time limit of fifteen (15) minutes and a frag limit of zero (0).
2. 2.2 Players scores will be tallied by calculating frags minus deaths minus suicides, where the remaining value is the player's official score.
3. 2.3 For best of one map play, the winner of the map is the winner.
4. 2.4 In the case of a tied score at the end of the regular fifteen (15) minute time period an overtime period of two (2) minutes will be added to the clock.
5. 2.4.1 In the case of a tied score after a single overtime period, additional overtime periods will be added to the clock in two (2) minute intervals as required until a winner is determined
6. 2.5 In the unlikely event of a server crash or other network failure which results in players being disconnected during a match the following rules will fall into place:
7. 2.5.1 If either player has scored, the map will be restarted using a time limit equal to the time that was remaining on the clock when the players were disconnected. Player scores from both portions of the map played will be appended to form the final map scores.
8. 2.5.2 If neither player has scored, the map will be completely restarted with a full fifteen (15) minute time limit.
3. Map List and Map Selection
1. 3.1 The approved map list for the Q4 1v1 competition(s) are as follows:
* Phrantic (map_swq4dm1_final)
* Placebo Effect (map_wvwq4dm1)
* Monsoon (l4dm2)
2. 3.2 Players will be given the chance to decide a map for their match on their own. If the two cannot choose a map that is mutually acceptable, each player will select one map to REMOVE from the list. The remaining map will be played. Should the players decide to remove the SAME map, one of the remaining maps will be chosen at random by a Tournament Official.
4. Demos and Screenshots
1. 4.1 Demos are required for all matches.
2. 4.1.1 Q4Max supports automated recording of client-side demos and this option will be turned on by default. Players may not modify this setting for any reason.
3. 4.2 End-map screenshots are required for all matches.
4. 4.2.1 Q4Max supports automated production of end-map screenshots and this option will be turned on by default. Players may not modify this setting for any reason.
5. 4.3 Demos and end-map screenshots will be available to the players and the public for each individual match once said match is completed and the demos have been uploaded to the website
5. Anti-Cheat
1. 5.1 All QuakeCon 2006 Quake 4 1v1 Championship matches will use the PunkBuster in-game anti-cheat system.
2. 5.2 If a player is kicked or banned from a server during a match for any PB violation, the player will not be allowed to rejoin the match.
3. 5.3 Any PB violation may result in disciplinary action, up to and including disqualification from the competition(s).
6. Menu, Console Commands and Cheating
1. 6.1 Players must use the in-game GUI for all configuration settings.
2. 6.2 Console commands will not be allowed for any reason.
3. 6.3 Device drivers which permit players to see through walls, or enable any form of transparency not intended by id Software, are strictly forbidden and grounds for immediate removal from the tournament.
4. 6.4 Players may use aliases, however, no alias may be used which assists players in determining spawn times, or performing any action which in any way inhibits the ability of an opponent to perform a legal action in the game.
5. 6.5 Except for control drivers and device settings, no commands are allowed outside the game or in the command line.
6. 6.6 Except for control drivers and device settings, no alteration, deletion, or addition of files is permitted.
7. 6.7 Your player model and colors must remain the same throughout the course of a match.
8. 6.8 Any commands or combination of commands that allow seeing through walls, player warping, message spamming, auto-aim, radar, or similar action will be considered cheating and grounds for disqualification.
9. 6.9 Questions regarding setting of variables and commands and how they relate to cheating should be brought to a tournament official before your first match.
10. 6.10 There will be zero tolerance for cheating. If a player is caught cheating; they will face disciplinary action up to and including disqualification from the competition(s).
7. Attendance and Scheduling
1. 7.1 All matches will be scheduled before tournament play begins.
2. 7.2 Players are allowed to compete in multiple tournaments, but any scheduling conflicts will result in the player having to forfeit one of the conflicting matches.
3. 7.3 Players must check-in no sooner than fifteen (15) minutes and no later than five (5) minutes prior to their scheduled match time.
4. 7.4 A 10-minute warm-up period is allowed for all scheduled matches. After the 10-minute warm-up period players must ready up.
8. Forfeits
1. 8.1 If players do not check-in for their match during the specified time period they will automatically be given a forfeit loss for said match.
2. 8.2 If a player disconnects from the game server during a match they will be given a forfeit loss for said match.
3. 8.3 If a player is removed from the tournament due to violation of the rules they will be given forfeit losses for the remainder of their scheduled matches.
9. Rule Violations
1. 9.1 Players who violate any of the above-mentioned rules are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including removal from the competition(s).
2. 9.2 Abusive teams will be removed from the event. Any team that is repeatedly abusive (including degrading language, spamming, server crashing, etc.) may be removed from the event.
3. 9.3 Disciplinary action will be distributed at the discretion of the tournament administration.
10. Final Round
1. 10.1 Rules remain the same as they were throughout the tournament. Should the loser's bracket challenger win the first map, a second map will be played to determine the Tournament Champion.
1. 1.1 The QuakeCon 2006 128-player Quake 4 1v1 Championship will start Thursday with two rounds of single elimination 1v1 play followed by a bracket-style double elimination tournament.
2. 1.1.1 The tournament will consist of best of one map play.
3. 1.2 Players must confirm their tourney spot in person at the tournament area by 2 pm on Thursday, or risk disqualification. Matches are scheduled to start at 3 p.m. on Thursday.
4. 1.3 Player names may not contain offensive words. This is left up to the discretion of the tournament officials. Any player names found to be offensive must be changed immediately upon notification.
5. 1.4 Tournament pre-registration will be held online, starting Friday, July 21, at 7:00PM CDT, remaining open until 12:00AM on August 1, 2006. Any player that obtains a pre-registration spot MUST confirm their registration IN THE TOURNAMENT AREA, prior to 2:00PM on Thursday, August 3, 2006. Any remaining spots will be assigned in a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED fashion, beginning at 2:00P.M.
2. Match Rules
1. 2.1 All maps will be played using a time limit of fifteen (15) minutes and a frag limit of zero (0).
2. 2.2 Players scores will be tallied by calculating frags minus deaths minus suicides, where the remaining value is the player's official score.
3. 2.3 For best of one map play, the winner of the map is the winner.
4. 2.4 In the case of a tied score at the end of the regular fifteen (15) minute time period an overtime period of two (2) minutes will be added to the clock.
5. 2.4.1 In the case of a tied score after a single overtime period, additional overtime periods will be added to the clock in two (2) minute intervals as required until a winner is determined
6. 2.5 In the unlikely event of a server crash or other network failure which results in players being disconnected during a match the following rules will fall into place:
7. 2.5.1 If either player has scored, the map will be restarted using a time limit equal to the time that was remaining on the clock when the players were disconnected. Player scores from both portions of the map played will be appended to form the final map scores.
8. 2.5.2 If neither player has scored, the map will be completely restarted with a full fifteen (15) minute time limit.
3. Map List and Map Selection
1. 3.1 The approved map list for the Q4 1v1 competition(s) are as follows:
* Phrantic (map_swq4dm1_final)
* Placebo Effect (map_wvwq4dm1)
* Monsoon (l4dm2)
2. 3.2 Players will be given the chance to decide a map for their match on their own. If the two cannot choose a map that is mutually acceptable, each player will select one map to REMOVE from the list. The remaining map will be played. Should the players decide to remove the SAME map, one of the remaining maps will be chosen at random by a Tournament Official.
4. Demos and Screenshots
1. 4.1 Demos are required for all matches.
2. 4.1.1 Q4Max supports automated recording of client-side demos and this option will be turned on by default. Players may not modify this setting for any reason.
3. 4.2 End-map screenshots are required for all matches.
4. 4.2.1 Q4Max supports automated production of end-map screenshots and this option will be turned on by default. Players may not modify this setting for any reason.
5. 4.3 Demos and end-map screenshots will be available to the players and the public for each individual match once said match is completed and the demos have been uploaded to the website
5. Anti-Cheat
1. 5.1 All QuakeCon 2006 Quake 4 1v1 Championship matches will use the PunkBuster in-game anti-cheat system.
2. 5.2 If a player is kicked or banned from a server during a match for any PB violation, the player will not be allowed to rejoin the match.
3. 5.3 Any PB violation may result in disciplinary action, up to and including disqualification from the competition(s).
6. Menu, Console Commands and Cheating
1. 6.1 Players must use the in-game GUI for all configuration settings.
2. 6.2 Console commands will not be allowed for any reason.
3. 6.3 Device drivers which permit players to see through walls, or enable any form of transparency not intended by id Software, are strictly forbidden and grounds for immediate removal from the tournament.
4. 6.4 Players may use aliases, however, no alias may be used which assists players in determining spawn times, or performing any action which in any way inhibits the ability of an opponent to perform a legal action in the game.
5. 6.5 Except for control drivers and device settings, no commands are allowed outside the game or in the command line.
6. 6.6 Except for control drivers and device settings, no alteration, deletion, or addition of files is permitted.
7. 6.7 Your player model and colors must remain the same throughout the course of a match.
8. 6.8 Any commands or combination of commands that allow seeing through walls, player warping, message spamming, auto-aim, radar, or similar action will be considered cheating and grounds for disqualification.
9. 6.9 Questions regarding setting of variables and commands and how they relate to cheating should be brought to a tournament official before your first match.
10. 6.10 There will be zero tolerance for cheating. If a player is caught cheating; they will face disciplinary action up to and including disqualification from the competition(s).
7. Attendance and Scheduling
1. 7.1 All matches will be scheduled before tournament play begins.
2. 7.2 Players are allowed to compete in multiple tournaments, but any scheduling conflicts will result in the player having to forfeit one of the conflicting matches.
3. 7.3 Players must check-in no sooner than fifteen (15) minutes and no later than five (5) minutes prior to their scheduled match time.
4. 7.4 A 10-minute warm-up period is allowed for all scheduled matches. After the 10-minute warm-up period players must ready up.
8. Forfeits
1. 8.1 If players do not check-in for their match during the specified time period they will automatically be given a forfeit loss for said match.
2. 8.2 If a player disconnects from the game server during a match they will be given a forfeit loss for said match.
3. 8.3 If a player is removed from the tournament due to violation of the rules they will be given forfeit losses for the remainder of their scheduled matches.
9. Rule Violations
1. 9.1 Players who violate any of the above-mentioned rules are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including removal from the competition(s).
2. 9.2 Abusive teams will be removed from the event. Any team that is repeatedly abusive (including degrading language, spamming, server crashing, etc.) may be removed from the event.
3. 9.3 Disciplinary action will be distributed at the discretion of the tournament administration.
10. Final Round
1. 10.1 Rules remain the same as they were throughout the tournament. Should the loser's bracket challenger win the first map, a second map will be played to determine the Tournament Champion.
1st Place ... $13,000
2nd Place ... $7,000
3rd Place ... $5,000
2nd Place ... $7,000
3rd Place ... $5,000


[TMP]Over The Edge]

Better Than Nothing
1.0 Tournament Structure
The tournament structure will consist of a mix of single and double elimination bracket-style play. The first 32 team round will be single elimination, best of one map. Following the first round of single elimination, the remaining 16 teams will compete in a standard double elimination bracket, best of one map.
1.1 Registration
Tournament registration will be completed on-site, Thursday August 3rd, 2006. Registration will open at 12:00 P.M. and run until 8:00 P.M. Registration is First Come First Serve.
1.2 Match Rules
All maps will be played using a time limit of twenty (20) minutes and a frag limit of zero (0).
Team scores will be tallied by calculating the total number of frags minus suicides for both players, resulting in a final score.
For best of one map play, the winner of the map is the winner.
In the case of a tied score at the end of the regular twenty (20) minute time period an overtime period of two (2) minutes will be added to the clock.
In the case of a tied score after a single overtime period, additional overtime periods will be added to the clock in two (2) minute intervals as required until a winner is determined.
In the unlikely event of a server crash or other network failure which results in players being disconnected during a match the following rules will fall into place:
* If either player has scored, the map will be restarted using a time limit equal to the time that was remaining on the clock when the players were disconnected. Player scores from both portions of the map played will be appended to form the final map scores.
* If neither player has scored, the map will be completely restarted with a full twenty (20) minute time limit.
1.3 Map list
The map list for the QuakeCon 2006 2v2 TDM Championship is:
* [TMP]Sandstorm (DM2)
* [TMP]Over The Edge
* SWQ4DM2 - Better Than Nothing
Players will be given the chance to decide a map for their match on their own. If the two cannot choose a map that is mutually acceptable, each player will select one map to REMOVE from the list. The remaining map will be played. Should the players decide to remove the SAME map, one of the remaining maps will be chosen at random by a Tournament Official.
1.4 Seeding
Seeding will be completed by the tournament staff based upon, but not limited to, prior tournament records, or online leagues.
1.5 Client Settings
All players will use the most recent stable version of Q4MAX, along with the most recent stable release of Quake 4 from id Software.
1.6 Demos
Demos will be recorded from each players view. Demos will be made available to players at some time following the tournament.
1.7 Attendance and Scheduling
All members of each team must be present, in the tournament area, at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled match start time.
Coaches and managers are not allowed inside the tournament area at any time during or between a match.
Team players may enter other tournaments, but schedule conflicts will result in forfeit of one of the conflicting matches.
A 10 minute warm-up round will be allowed for each match.
After the ten minute warm-up period, all players must ready up.
Should a team member show up late, during the warm-up period, time will not be restarted. They will have the remaining time to warm-up.
1.8 Anti Cheat
All QuakeCon 2006 Quake 4 2v2 Championship matches will use the PunkBuster in-game anti-cheat system. If a player is kicked or banned from a server during a match for a cvar violation, the player will not be allowed to rejoin the match.
Any cvar violation may result in disciplinary action, up to and including disqualification from the competitions.
Players are not allowed to use the console. Every change must be done from within the Q4MAX GUI. Players caught using the console will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including disqualification.
1.9 Cheating
There will be no tolerance for cheating. If a player is caught cheating, they will face disciplinary action, up to and including disqualification from the competitions.
2.0 Rule Violations
Any team that violates any of the General Event Rules or these Tournament-Specific Rules will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including disqualification from ALL tournaments. This action will be taken at the sole discretion of the Tournament Officials.
Abuse teams will be removed from the event. Any team that is repeatedly abusive (including degrading/profane/racist language, spamming, server crashing, etc.) may be removed from the event. Disciplinary action will be applied at the discretion of the Tournament Officials.
3.0 Final Round
Rules remain the same as they were throughout the tournament. Should the loser's bracket challenger win the first map, a second map will be played to determine the Tournament Champion.
The tournament structure will consist of a mix of single and double elimination bracket-style play. The first 32 team round will be single elimination, best of one map. Following the first round of single elimination, the remaining 16 teams will compete in a standard double elimination bracket, best of one map.
1.1 Registration
Tournament registration will be completed on-site, Thursday August 3rd, 2006. Registration will open at 12:00 P.M. and run until 8:00 P.M. Registration is First Come First Serve.
1.2 Match Rules
All maps will be played using a time limit of twenty (20) minutes and a frag limit of zero (0).
Team scores will be tallied by calculating the total number of frags minus suicides for both players, resulting in a final score.
For best of one map play, the winner of the map is the winner.
In the case of a tied score at the end of the regular twenty (20) minute time period an overtime period of two (2) minutes will be added to the clock.
In the case of a tied score after a single overtime period, additional overtime periods will be added to the clock in two (2) minute intervals as required until a winner is determined.
In the unlikely event of a server crash or other network failure which results in players being disconnected during a match the following rules will fall into place:
* If either player has scored, the map will be restarted using a time limit equal to the time that was remaining on the clock when the players were disconnected. Player scores from both portions of the map played will be appended to form the final map scores.
* If neither player has scored, the map will be completely restarted with a full twenty (20) minute time limit.
1.3 Map list
The map list for the QuakeCon 2006 2v2 TDM Championship is:
* [TMP]Sandstorm (DM2)
* [TMP]Over The Edge
* SWQ4DM2 - Better Than Nothing
Players will be given the chance to decide a map for their match on their own. If the two cannot choose a map that is mutually acceptable, each player will select one map to REMOVE from the list. The remaining map will be played. Should the players decide to remove the SAME map, one of the remaining maps will be chosen at random by a Tournament Official.
1.4 Seeding
Seeding will be completed by the tournament staff based upon, but not limited to, prior tournament records, or online leagues.
1.5 Client Settings
All players will use the most recent stable version of Q4MAX, along with the most recent stable release of Quake 4 from id Software.
1.6 Demos
Demos will be recorded from each players view. Demos will be made available to players at some time following the tournament.
1.7 Attendance and Scheduling
All members of each team must be present, in the tournament area, at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled match start time.
Coaches and managers are not allowed inside the tournament area at any time during or between a match.
Team players may enter other tournaments, but schedule conflicts will result in forfeit of one of the conflicting matches.
A 10 minute warm-up round will be allowed for each match.
After the ten minute warm-up period, all players must ready up.
Should a team member show up late, during the warm-up period, time will not be restarted. They will have the remaining time to warm-up.
1.8 Anti Cheat
All QuakeCon 2006 Quake 4 2v2 Championship matches will use the PunkBuster in-game anti-cheat system. If a player is kicked or banned from a server during a match for a cvar violation, the player will not be allowed to rejoin the match.
Any cvar violation may result in disciplinary action, up to and including disqualification from the competitions.
Players are not allowed to use the console. Every change must be done from within the Q4MAX GUI. Players caught using the console will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including disqualification.
1.9 Cheating
There will be no tolerance for cheating. If a player is caught cheating, they will face disciplinary action, up to and including disqualification from the competitions.
2.0 Rule Violations
Any team that violates any of the General Event Rules or these Tournament-Specific Rules will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including disqualification from ALL tournaments. This action will be taken at the sole discretion of the Tournament Officials.
Abuse teams will be removed from the event. Any team that is repeatedly abusive (including degrading/profane/racist language, spamming, server crashing, etc.) may be removed from the event. Disciplinary action will be applied at the discretion of the Tournament Officials.
3.0 Final Round
Rules remain the same as they were throughout the tournament. Should the loser's bracket challenger win the first map, a second map will be played to determine the Tournament Champion.
1st Place ... $15,000
2nd Place ... $10,000
3rd Place ... $5,000
2nd Place ... $10,000
3rd Place ... $5,000
1.0 Format:
LAN Double Elimination Matches, reducing number of teams from 8 to 1
Compliance with all general rules and game-specific rules of the event are a mandatory condition of participation in The NVIDIA Championships at QuakeCon 2006.
1.1 Registration:
Roster Requirements, Required Player Information, Wait Listed Teams, and Team Substitutions
There are openings for sixteen (16), five player teams in this competition. All teams will be registered onsite on Thursday August 3rd, 2006 between 8:00AM and 8:00PM. Registration is First Come First Served.
A single representative for a team may register all team members; all members need not be present for registration:
Minimum Roster Size: 5 players
Maximum Roster Size: 7 players
Wait-Listed Teams:
Wait listed teams are not guaranteed a position in the tournament in any way. Wait-listed teams are encouraged to keep in touch with Tournament Staff to ensure their opportunity to compete.
Substituting Teams:
If a team is removed from the competition during the first round, a wait-listed team may be selected by Tournament Officials to replace them. This is not grounds for a challenge or dispute of any kind.
1.2 Tournament Structure:
The Enemy Territory Tournament will be a double-elimination competition. All teams begin in the winner's bracket. The winning teams from the first round will continue in the winner's bracket - the defeated teams will be placed into the loser's bracket. This continues until only two teams remain - one from the winner's bracket, and one in the loser's bracket.
1.3 Seeding:
Seeding will be decided by the tournament staff based upon, but not limited to, prior tournament records, or online leagues.
1.4 Match Format:
Matches will be played in the Stopwatch game mode, in an ABBA format. Two stopwatch sets will be played. The higher seeded team will attack first.
Stopwatch set 1 (AB):
Team A attacks and sets goal time. Team B then attempts to beat the time.
Stopwatch set 2 (BA):
Team B attacks and sets goal time. Team A then attempts to beat the time.
The set winner will be awarded 3 points. The loser will get no points. Should there be a full-hold (neither team completes their objectives in the maximum time), each team will be awarded one point.
Possible Outcomes:
1 ) Team A wins both sets
Team A: 6 points
Team B: 0 points
2 ) Team A wins 1 set, teams tie second set (full hold)
Team A: 4 points
Team B: 1 point
3 ) Team A wins 1 set, team B wins 1 set
Team A: 3 points
Team B: 3 points
4 ) Teams tie both sets
Team A: 2 points
Team B: 2 points
In example 1 and 2, Team A wins.
In example 3 and 4, tiebreaker rules would go into effect.
Tiebreaker Rules : One AB set will be played. A coin toss will be conducted to decide which team gets the option to attack or defend. The winner of the coin toss may concede the option to their opponent. The result of this round will decide the outcome of the match. Should the round be tied again, a BA set will be played. If the match is still tied, a coin toss will be conducted to choose the winner.
1.5 Tournament Maps:
The following maps will be available for ALL rounds of the Enemy Territory 5v5 Tournament. Maps will be decided by the participants from the list below. The attacking team for the set will decide which map will be played.
Map Name: braundorf b4, radar, reactor_final, battery, supply, depot2, sp_delivery, sw_goldrush_te.
* Radar: command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 0"
Enemy Territory Tiebreaker Map Selection:
The tiebreaker map for Enemy Territory matches will be selected as follows: The two maps played in the first two rounds are removed from the map pool. Each team then is allowed to throw out two maps each - one at a time. The remaining map is the map to be played in the tiebreaker.
1.6 Scheduling
The times for each match in the winners and losers bracket will be posted and will not be changed or modified due to non-official tournament problems. This includes if your team or individuals are scheduled in other tournaments, are late or have transportation problems. If a team does not show within 15 minutes of the time scheduled for their match, the team will forfeit that match. Seeding and scheduling will be done at the sole discretion of the Tournament Officials. Failure to comply will result in immediate removal from the tournament.
In the losers bracket there may be an instance of a team having to play back to back matches during the tournament.
Due to unforeseen on-site circumstances the schedules may be modified. The contact information provided by the teams will be used to contact the teams as well as notification outside of the tournament area. It is required that all teams report to the tournament area at least 15 minutes prior to their scheduled start time.
It is mandatory that all teams and players are available to compete in tournament matches at any time between 8:00AM and 11:59PM for the entirety of QuakeCon. This means that all members of the team must be at QuakeCon between those hours.
1.7 Match Rules:
Warmup: 5 Minutes
Number of Players: 5
No player substitutions may take place during a match. In case of an emergency, only an officially rostered player may be substituted. Illegal player substitutions will result in an automatic map forfeit.
Timeouts: ONE 60-second timeout per team per set. Timeouts may be extended under the sole discretion of Tournament Officials.
1.8 Menu, Console Commands, and Cheating:
Players may change any item in the menu before the match begins. Console variables and commands may also be changed
* Device drivers which permit players to see through walls, or enable any form of transparency not intended by id Software, are strictly forbidden and grounds for immediate removal from the tournament. Players may use aliases, however, no alias may be used which assists players in determining spawn times, or performing any action which in any way inhibits the ability of an opponent to perform a legal action in the game.
* Except for control drivers and device settings, no commands are allowed outside the game or in command line. Except for control drivers and device settings, no alteration, deletion, or addition of files is permitted. Your player model, colors, and name must remain the same throughout the match. Any commands or combination of commands that allow seeing through walls, player warping, message spamming, auto-aim, radar, or similar action will be considered cheating and grounds for disqualification. Questions regarding setting of variables and commands and how they relate to cheating should be brought to a tournament official before your first match.
* Third-party additions will NOT be allowed. No exceptions.
Examples of illegal tactics:
1. intentionally blocking a door on any map
2. making weapons recharge faster, or making recoil disappear
3. making any map environmental aspects (fog etc) disappear if forbidden by PunkBuster/ETPro settings
4. boosting more than 1 person
5. using any tactic that causes you to "lag" or "teleport" or "simulated packet loss" meddling with the video card to go against any of the pb settings.
6. planting at the back of the guns on Oasis
7. shooting through the roof in Supplydepot2
8. pausing the match intentionally during the movement of the crane on Supplydepot2
9. Using the stairs satchel charge controls bug in Supplydepot2
10. bug exploitation of any kind
11. any use of the /shrug command
Should a team question any tactic's legality, the team must contact a tournament official prior to the start of their match for clarification. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive. Any action that a tournament official finds to be cheating or to be in poor sportsmanship will result in the team forfeiting their match, and possibly being removed from the tournament.
LAN Double Elimination Matches, reducing number of teams from 8 to 1
Compliance with all general rules and game-specific rules of the event are a mandatory condition of participation in The NVIDIA Championships at QuakeCon 2006.
1.1 Registration:
Roster Requirements, Required Player Information, Wait Listed Teams, and Team Substitutions
There are openings for sixteen (16), five player teams in this competition. All teams will be registered onsite on Thursday August 3rd, 2006 between 8:00AM and 8:00PM. Registration is First Come First Served.
A single representative for a team may register all team members; all members need not be present for registration:
Minimum Roster Size: 5 players
Maximum Roster Size: 7 players
Wait-Listed Teams:
Wait listed teams are not guaranteed a position in the tournament in any way. Wait-listed teams are encouraged to keep in touch with Tournament Staff to ensure their opportunity to compete.
Substituting Teams:
If a team is removed from the competition during the first round, a wait-listed team may be selected by Tournament Officials to replace them. This is not grounds for a challenge or dispute of any kind.
1.2 Tournament Structure:
The Enemy Territory Tournament will be a double-elimination competition. All teams begin in the winner's bracket. The winning teams from the first round will continue in the winner's bracket - the defeated teams will be placed into the loser's bracket. This continues until only two teams remain - one from the winner's bracket, and one in the loser's bracket.
1.3 Seeding:
Seeding will be decided by the tournament staff based upon, but not limited to, prior tournament records, or online leagues.
1.4 Match Format:
Matches will be played in the Stopwatch game mode, in an ABBA format. Two stopwatch sets will be played. The higher seeded team will attack first.
Stopwatch set 1 (AB):
Team A attacks and sets goal time. Team B then attempts to beat the time.
Stopwatch set 2 (BA):
Team B attacks and sets goal time. Team A then attempts to beat the time.
The set winner will be awarded 3 points. The loser will get no points. Should there be a full-hold (neither team completes their objectives in the maximum time), each team will be awarded one point.
Possible Outcomes:
1 ) Team A wins both sets
Team A: 6 points
Team B: 0 points
2 ) Team A wins 1 set, teams tie second set (full hold)
Team A: 4 points
Team B: 1 point
3 ) Team A wins 1 set, team B wins 1 set
Team A: 3 points
Team B: 3 points
4 ) Teams tie both sets
Team A: 2 points
Team B: 2 points
In example 1 and 2, Team A wins.
In example 3 and 4, tiebreaker rules would go into effect.
Tiebreaker Rules : One AB set will be played. A coin toss will be conducted to decide which team gets the option to attack or defend. The winner of the coin toss may concede the option to their opponent. The result of this round will decide the outcome of the match. Should the round be tied again, a BA set will be played. If the match is still tied, a coin toss will be conducted to choose the winner.
1.5 Tournament Maps:
The following maps will be available for ALL rounds of the Enemy Territory 5v5 Tournament. Maps will be decided by the participants from the list below. The attacking team for the set will decide which map will be played.
Map Name: braundorf b4, radar, reactor_final, battery, supply, depot2, sp_delivery, sw_goldrush_te.
* Radar: command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 0"
Enemy Territory Tiebreaker Map Selection:
The tiebreaker map for Enemy Territory matches will be selected as follows: The two maps played in the first two rounds are removed from the map pool. Each team then is allowed to throw out two maps each - one at a time. The remaining map is the map to be played in the tiebreaker.
1.6 Scheduling
The times for each match in the winners and losers bracket will be posted and will not be changed or modified due to non-official tournament problems. This includes if your team or individuals are scheduled in other tournaments, are late or have transportation problems. If a team does not show within 15 minutes of the time scheduled for their match, the team will forfeit that match. Seeding and scheduling will be done at the sole discretion of the Tournament Officials. Failure to comply will result in immediate removal from the tournament.
In the losers bracket there may be an instance of a team having to play back to back matches during the tournament.
Due to unforeseen on-site circumstances the schedules may be modified. The contact information provided by the teams will be used to contact the teams as well as notification outside of the tournament area. It is required that all teams report to the tournament area at least 15 minutes prior to their scheduled start time.
It is mandatory that all teams and players are available to compete in tournament matches at any time between 8:00AM and 11:59PM for the entirety of QuakeCon. This means that all members of the team must be at QuakeCon between those hours.
1.7 Match Rules:
Warmup: 5 Minutes
Number of Players: 5
No player substitutions may take place during a match. In case of an emergency, only an officially rostered player may be substituted. Illegal player substitutions will result in an automatic map forfeit.
Timeouts: ONE 60-second timeout per team per set. Timeouts may be extended under the sole discretion of Tournament Officials.
1.8 Menu, Console Commands, and Cheating:
Players may change any item in the menu before the match begins. Console variables and commands may also be changed
* Device drivers which permit players to see through walls, or enable any form of transparency not intended by id Software, are strictly forbidden and grounds for immediate removal from the tournament. Players may use aliases, however, no alias may be used which assists players in determining spawn times, or performing any action which in any way inhibits the ability of an opponent to perform a legal action in the game.
* Except for control drivers and device settings, no commands are allowed outside the game or in command line. Except for control drivers and device settings, no alteration, deletion, or addition of files is permitted. Your player model, colors, and name must remain the same throughout the match. Any commands or combination of commands that allow seeing through walls, player warping, message spamming, auto-aim, radar, or similar action will be considered cheating and grounds for disqualification. Questions regarding setting of variables and commands and how they relate to cheating should be brought to a tournament official before your first match.
* Third-party additions will NOT be allowed. No exceptions.
Examples of illegal tactics:
1. intentionally blocking a door on any map
2. making weapons recharge faster, or making recoil disappear
3. making any map environmental aspects (fog etc) disappear if forbidden by PunkBuster/ETPro settings
4. boosting more than 1 person
5. using any tactic that causes you to "lag" or "teleport" or "simulated packet loss" meddling with the video card to go against any of the pb settings.
6. planting at the back of the guns on Oasis
7. shooting through the roof in Supplydepot2
8. pausing the match intentionally during the movement of the crane on Supplydepot2
9. Using the stairs satchel charge controls bug in Supplydepot2
10. bug exploitation of any kind
11. any use of the /shrug command
Should a team question any tactic's legality, the team must contact a tournament official prior to the start of their match for clarification. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive. Any action that a tournament official finds to be cheating or to be in poor sportsmanship will result in the team forfeiting their match, and possibly being removed from the tournament.
NVIDIA $10,000 QUAKE 4 Quick Draw - $10,000

To reserve a room for QuakeCon 2006, call the Hilton Anatole Hotel at 214-761-7500, or Hilton’s toll-free reservation number, 1-800-HILTONS. To receive our specially negotiated room rate of $125 (single, double, triple, or quad occupancy), and our special daily self-park rate of $5 (regularly $15 per day), you must request the group rate for “QuakeCon 2006” when making your reservations. The Hotel requires a $50 non-refundable deposit on group reservations, which will be credited to your final room bill upon check-out. Rooms at this rate are limited, so don’t wait! Additional information regarding the Hilton Anatole Hotel is available at http://www.hilton.com.
*** The QuakeCon room rate is available starting Monday 11:00 CDT, 26 June 2006 ***
It is important to note again that the only way to receive the special room rate of $125 and the $5 daily self-parking, is to call Hilton reservations at the numbers listed above and book your reservation under QuakeCon 2006.
*** The QuakeCon room rate is available starting Monday 11:00 CDT, 26 June 2006 ***
It is important to note again that the only way to receive the special room rate of $125 and the $5 daily self-parking, is to call Hilton reservations at the numbers listed above and book your reservation under QuakeCon 2006.
Thursday, August 3rd
08:00 CDT, 3 August 2006 till 20:00 CDT, 3 August 2006: On-Site registration for Q4 2v2 & ET. Registration confirmation for Q4 1v1 begins. / Tourney area
08:00 CDT, 3 August 2006: BYOC Opens
14:00 CDT, 3 August 2006: Onsite confirmation closes for Q4 1v1, remaining slots become first-come, first serve / Tourney area
16:00 CDT, 3 August 2006 till 18:00 CDT, 3 August 2006: NVIDIA - Main Event & Pizza Party / Main Stage
19:00 CDT, 3 August 2006 till 20:00 CDT, 3 August 2006: “An Inside Look at Enemy Territory: Quake Wars” / Main Stage
20:00 CDT, 3 August 2006: All Tournament registration closes. / Tourney area
22:00 CDT, 3 August 2006 till 00:00 CDT, 4 August 2006: Evening Entertainment - The Sinus Show Presents “Footloose” / Main Stage
Friday, August 4th
09:00 CDT, 4 August 2006 till 18:00 CDT, 4 August 2006: Tourney play begins. / Tourney area
12:00 CDT, 4 August 2006 till 13:00 CDT, 4 August 2006: “Fire Away” A 60 Min. Q&A w/ id Software / Main Stage
14:00 CDT, 4 August 2006 till 15:00 CDT, 4 August 2006: Splash Damage - “Modding ETQW – What to Expect” / Main Stage
16:00 CDT, 4 August 2006 till 17:00 CDT, 4 August 2006: Intel - “Build Your Own ‘White Book’”
Build a laptop with components purchased online and save a bundle. / Main Stage
18:00 CDT, 4 August 2006 till 20:00 CDT, 4 August 2006: John Carmack – Keynote / Main Stage
21:00 CDT, 4 August 2006 till 22:30 CDT, 4 August 2006: Evening Entertainment – Dwayne Andrew, Hypnotist / Main Stage
Saturday, August 5th
11:00 CDT, 5 August 2006 till 12:00 CDT, 5 August 2006: Splash Damage – “From Mods to Mission Pack – Becoming Professionals Using id Technology” / Main Stage
13:00 CDT, 5 August 2006 till 14:00 CDT, 5 August 2006: Intel - “Inside Your Desktop”
CPUs, Motherboards, Overclocking and More / Main Stage
14:30 CDT, 5 August 2006 till 15:30 CDT, 5 August 2006: Ageia – Founder Manju Hedge / Main Stage
18:00 CDT, 5 August 2006 till 00:00 CDT, 6 August 2006: Tournament Finals, Party Awards & Entertainment Including:
QUAKE 4 TDM Finals,
QUAKE 4 1v1 Final,
& Entertainment, featuring “Rubberboy” (as seen on Leno, Carnivale, Ripley’s Believe It or Not, Guinness World Records, and in id Software MOCAP animations). / Main Stage
Sunday, August 6th
12:00 CDT, 6 August 2006: Event Conclusion, beginning of tear-down / BYOC
08:00 CDT, 3 August 2006 till 20:00 CDT, 3 August 2006: On-Site registration for Q4 2v2 & ET. Registration confirmation for Q4 1v1 begins. / Tourney area
08:00 CDT, 3 August 2006: BYOC Opens
14:00 CDT, 3 August 2006: Onsite confirmation closes for Q4 1v1, remaining slots become first-come, first serve / Tourney area
16:00 CDT, 3 August 2006 till 18:00 CDT, 3 August 2006: NVIDIA - Main Event & Pizza Party / Main Stage
19:00 CDT, 3 August 2006 till 20:00 CDT, 3 August 2006: “An Inside Look at Enemy Territory: Quake Wars” / Main Stage
20:00 CDT, 3 August 2006: All Tournament registration closes. / Tourney area
22:00 CDT, 3 August 2006 till 00:00 CDT, 4 August 2006: Evening Entertainment - The Sinus Show Presents “Footloose” / Main Stage
Friday, August 4th
09:00 CDT, 4 August 2006 till 18:00 CDT, 4 August 2006: Tourney play begins. / Tourney area
12:00 CDT, 4 August 2006 till 13:00 CDT, 4 August 2006: “Fire Away” A 60 Min. Q&A w/ id Software / Main Stage
14:00 CDT, 4 August 2006 till 15:00 CDT, 4 August 2006: Splash Damage - “Modding ETQW – What to Expect” / Main Stage
16:00 CDT, 4 August 2006 till 17:00 CDT, 4 August 2006: Intel - “Build Your Own ‘White Book’”
Build a laptop with components purchased online and save a bundle. / Main Stage
18:00 CDT, 4 August 2006 till 20:00 CDT, 4 August 2006: John Carmack – Keynote / Main Stage
21:00 CDT, 4 August 2006 till 22:30 CDT, 4 August 2006: Evening Entertainment – Dwayne Andrew, Hypnotist / Main Stage
Saturday, August 5th
11:00 CDT, 5 August 2006 till 12:00 CDT, 5 August 2006: Splash Damage – “From Mods to Mission Pack – Becoming Professionals Using id Technology” / Main Stage
13:00 CDT, 5 August 2006 till 14:00 CDT, 5 August 2006: Intel - “Inside Your Desktop”
CPUs, Motherboards, Overclocking and More / Main Stage
14:30 CDT, 5 August 2006 till 15:30 CDT, 5 August 2006: Ageia – Founder Manju Hedge / Main Stage
18:00 CDT, 5 August 2006 till 00:00 CDT, 6 August 2006: Tournament Finals, Party Awards & Entertainment Including:
QUAKE 4 TDM Finals,
QUAKE 4 1v1 Final,
& Entertainment, featuring “Rubberboy” (as seen on Leno, Carnivale, Ripley’s Believe It or Not, Guinness World Records, and in id Software MOCAP animations). / Main Stage
Sunday, August 6th
12:00 CDT, 6 August 2006: Event Conclusion, beginning of tear-down / BYOC
Location: Trinity Exhibition Center, Hilton Anatole Hotel, Dallas, Texas.
Unofficial Guide for QuakeCon
Edited by Levi240 at 22:17 CDT, 5 August 2006 - 23539 Hits