Event: ISC 2006
An interview conducted by Slasher from Day 2 of the Intel Summer Championships. Tek-9's Rafik "LoSt-CaUsE" Bryant had just lost to Fatal1ty in the upper bracket while Ivo "forever" Lindhout had just defeated fnatic/PURRI to stay in the tournament, and awaited SK.fazz the next day.Discussed is LoSt-CaUsE's win over forever during the tournament as forever had too many distracting girls behind him. forever expresses his love for iTG'ReDeYe while both discuss their opinions on the ISC event as a whole and some of the distractions each had to deal with. A special guest appearance is made by Stermy while Fatal1ty gets a touch of forever's personality.
- Movie File - Streaming Flash Video () 0MB
- PlanetQuake4.net (1016 clicks)
- Movie File - Direct Download (lost-cause_forever_interview.zip) 272MB
- PlanetQuake4.net (710 clicks)
Edited by Slasher at 12:32 CDT, 12 July 2006 - 97604 Hits