Event: ISC 2006
The following interview is conducted by Slasher of the two fnatic stars, James '2GD' Harding and Alexander 'Ztrider' Ingarvas as well as their manager, Samuel 'zr0' Mathews. The interview takes place on day 3 after 2GD lost to fox, and Ztrider awaits Stermy in the winners bracket finals. Topics discussed include [aAa]winz's config at ESWC, Fatal1ty's 'allowed' spectators in the tournament area, multiple complaints about the Intel Summer Championships, the G7 coalition, PURRI's interesting night with Ztrider, the Home of Chrome, and the REAL reason for girl gamer tournaments.
- Movie File - Streaming Flash Video () 0MB
- PlanetQuake4.net (624 clicks)
- Movie File - Direct Download (fnatic_ztrider_toogoood_interview.zip) 242MB
- PlanetQuake4.net (476 clicks)
Edited by Slasher at 22:26 CDT, 19 July 2006 - 70483 Hits