Quake Wars Modding Presentation at QuakeCon 2006
PlanetQuake4 QuakeWars Modding Presentation - Streaming Video
PlanetQuake4 QuakeWars Modding Presentation - Download Video 250MB
A presentation by SplashDamage showing off lots of the tools they used to make Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. The tools for ET:QW have either been written from scratch or reworked significantly from preview Doom3 engine games. The level editor used to make ET:QW is called World Edit which allows the real-time preview of megatextures and ambient lighting. A good portion of the video contains questions from the crowd dealing with ET:QW editing related questions. The presentation of the tools is conducted in a way that should allow even a regular person to enjoy seeing how ET:QW has made.
Still, a great video though :D