Event: QCON '06
The QuakeCon 2006 Quake4 TDM Grand Final match between Team Britney (toxic & Ztrider) and fnatic/atr ( 2GD & blue). The video was shot from the front row of the conference room where the tournament was being held. The video pans between a close up of toixic & Ztrider and their monitor screens and a wide angle of blue and the projector screen. Video of the introduction of the pla
- Movie File - Streaming Flash Video () 0MB
- Google Video (17 clicks)
- PlanetQuake4.net (361 clicks)
- Movie File - Direct Download (quakecon_06_tdm_finals.zip) 194MB
- PlanetQuake4.net (592 clicks)
Edited by RogeR1 at 11:35 CDT, 8 August 2006 - 12910 Hits