Being described as the "Global Gaming Revolution", KODE5 will hold qualifiers in multiple countries, culminating in a grand final tournament on LAN with cash and prizes.
some pretty good games,especially the one on monsoon was fun to watch the way you often perfectly (mis-)predicted him ;)
and some lovely mh-denying aswell !
naa after the fiasco of chance at the GGL Minicomp everytime he loses the opponent offcial hacks...even though I may agree that walter hacked its just a joke.
Edited by BlackStallion at 08:14 CDT, 15 August 2006
yes, it's a competition, but it's not an ACTUAL competition... as in holding any significance. it isn't a tournament, it's the prelude to the tournament.
whether or not a fun tournament holds significant or not is both debatable and irrelevant to the point.
by all means. allow me to care, while you're at it, mr i-dont-have-the-burden-of-proof-when-i-support-a-completely-arbitrary-assertion-about-the-nature-of-subjective-ideals-you-do man!!!
and just so you know, the only one who made a retarded statement is you.
the issue at hand was the uploading of the LAN demo; that is why the status of 'fun-tournament's significance is irrelevant to discussion. it was entirely debatable whether the other demo was on par with any other major demo, but it was an example I had used for the sake of argument. since I was under false assumptions about that demo, it is certainly irrelevant to any argument I've mad, but it is and always has been especially irrelevant to InsaneKILL's side of the discussion.
the facts stand that the winner of the online competition was a victor of something, and won the right to call himself that.
the winner of the qualifier competition didn't receive anything except for qualification to another tournament, to my knowledge.
I did make one mistake in this thread, and that is thinking that the fun tournament had an actual cash prize, but I was really tired and I can't always be perfect.
however, I did not make a mistake here at all, and I feel the need to clarify only because I'm bored; otherwise, I would have left it at calling you an idiot.
I'd have to agree, your real "comp" was for fun. This is an actual comp, the finals are on lan so it's a "qualifier" but you must still WIN it to go to the competition.. so this is part of it.
This is all just based on that point, whatever about chance and walter and that should be up here.. I don't know, I'm just saying your point of arguement about this not being anything is wrong.
the problem is my "arguement" (sic) never said anything about this qualifier being nothing. it just said that it's not an actual 'competition,' as in... spectator event with cash prizes.
yes, the real competition was for fun, but it was an actual competition, because it had people... competing for something.
while it's true that a qualifier is a competition based on the rules of semantics, it's obvious, from context, that I meant 'official competition with cash prize.'
I really don't care what demos are what on this site. I just made an observation, and I think it makes sense to have the walter demo "majored" if this one is.
er.. to clarify again, I don't think anything was actually won from the Mini-Comp or whatever it was called, but I'm making my descriptions in haste, and it is known what I mean.
You're like "it's a qualifier to qualify for an event with cash prizes, but it's not a real 'competition'" --- then go on to say somthing to the tune of "but the GGL mini-comp, which has no prizes, and you don't really compete for anything, IS a competition, because you're competing for... somthing" --- then you correct yourself "oh don't really compete for anything in the GGL minicomp, but i'm still right....somehow..... I'm a fucktard. Tha'ts why I'm right. "
That's what I gathered in the 20 seconds of reading, and 5 seconds of figuring out which anonymous poster was actually the total idiot.