I was reading gotfrag.com today catching up on all that is new in 'eSports'... lol do they still call it that? I ran across some old "history" articles on the first few years of eSports. Very brief and a bit oversimplified but interesting nonetheless.
Anyways, I started thinking back to old times, it's getting close to 10 years ago that I hopped on a NQ CTF server with my good buddies for the first time. I was lucky in that I had a friends that were in clans like Thresh's clan Legends, Archon's Minions, EG, Clan Gib which allowed me to talk with a lot of the great team leaders and players at the time. All the while being a terrible player that barely could use a mouse.
In Early 2005 I had a chat with Ben Dobbs - Former Leader of Archon's Minions and Western Alliance. I don't think there is a "top teir" player from back in the day that is still around. But I had a nice chat with Ben, intresting stuff about the West coast DM scene.
Anyways, I started thinking back to old times, it's getting close to 10 years ago that I hopped on a NQ CTF server with my good buddies for the first time. I was lucky in that I had a friends that were in clans like Thresh's clan Legends, Archon's Minions, EG, Clan Gib which allowed me to talk with a lot of the great team leaders and players at the time. All the while being a terrible player that barely could use a mouse.
In Early 2005 I had a chat with Ben Dobbs - Former Leader of Archon's Minions and Western Alliance. I don't think there is a "top teir" player from back in the day that is still around. But I had a nice chat with Ben, intresting stuff about the West coast DM scene.
*** Now talking in #prediction
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*** Join: Dobbs (~pirch@c-24-16-214-162.client.comcast.net)
<Dobbs> ombear?
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<zfzfrost> :O
<zfzfrost> ben dobbs?
<Dobbs> yes sir;)
<Dobbs> sup frostu?
<zfzfrost> sup dude
<zfzfrost> how goes life after wa
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<Dobbs> after?
<Dobbs> WA for life:)
<zfzfrost> hah
<zfzfrost> i was talking to some chick about tribes
<Dobbs> still have guys from the clan come by every month or 2
<Dobbs> chick talking about tribes? that's an oddity
<zfzfrost> she showed me some legacy movie
<zfzfrost> 460 megs
<zfzfrost> of people getting midaired and shit
<zfzfrost> kinda cool kinda boring
<Dobbs> oh yeah... midairs
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<Dobbs> never could do those
<Dobbs> see some WA stuff or something?:)
<zfzfrost> dont know
<zfzfrost> no text
<Dobbs> Tribes was odd...
<Dobbs> nobody would release demos forever
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<Dobbs> I started releasing after I stopped playing (my teammates hated me)
<Dobbs> and it became a pretty big thing
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> people enjoyed watching
<zfzfrost> its dumb not to imo
<zfzfrost> its not like
<Dobbs> well they were concerned with strategies given out
<zfzfrost> ur protecting any special camp spots
<zfzfrost> like a roundbased games
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> in round based games
<zfzfrost> everyone figures out everyone elses strats
<zfzfrost> so it doesnt matter anyways
<Dobbs> I can understand the concern... except our strategy became "fuck it"
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> which means... everyone go offense
<zfzfrost> haha
<Dobbs> we'll worry about getting hte flag back after we have theirs
<zfzfrost> everyone except bleech?
<Dobbs> yeah, fatass sat on the flag
<Dobbs> brb
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<Dobbs> k
<zfzfrost> how long since u played an online game competeively ben?
<Dobbs> hey
<Dobbs> any idea where I'd find mikej or muppetman?
<Dobbs> ummm
<zfzfrost> nope
<Dobbs> competitively....
<zfzfrost> #eg maybe?
<Dobbs> I tried to play Tribes 2
<Dobbs> didn't work
<Dobbs> nobody in #eg
<zfzfrost> wow
<Dobbs> my computer sucked for T2
<Dobbs> so Tribes was it
<zfzfrost> im surprised eg disappeared
<Dobbs> I did run Tribescon before I quit
<Dobbs> yeah, I thought they had enough people to sit around and idle for a few more years
<zfzfrost> who's left
<Dobbs> I kinda miss competitive gaming
<zfzfrost> from the q1 days
<Dobbs> but I was never really good at gaming
<Dobbs> just good at recruiting good players
<bob987345892347598237459283745> hail
<bob987345892347598237459283745> i am left
<zfzfrost> filling their heads with dreams eh
<zfzfrost> hey FAT
<Dobbs> I've seen Retrop and ...
<zfzfrost> i mean bob
<Dobbs> Haplo
<zfzfrost> those guys were awesome
<Dobbs> within the past couple months
<zfzfrost> where did u get those guys
<zfzfrost> anyways
<Dobbs> they should be over next weekend
<Dobbs> shit man
<Dobbs> WA started as a Seattle clan
<Dobbs> they were all part of the same cluster at UW
<zfzfrost> ah
<Dobbs> recruited them through Ner'zhul
<zfzfrost> that guy was good too
<Dobbs> decided to go local with him, demo and soda
<zfzfrost> yeah we had demo for a little while
<zfzfrost> in qwctf
<Dobbs> we let soda in just because he was down the hall and kinda funny
<Dobbs> demo was good
<zfzfrost> guy became an egomaniac (soda)
<zfzfrost> in qwctf
<Dobbs> I loved coaching NQCTF
<Dobbs> yeah, soda got a huge head:/
<Dobbs> we always made fun of him
<zfzfrost> hah
<Dobbs> he may have been the best in QWCTF
<Dobbs> but he wasn't ever as good as Haplo or papasmurf
<zfzfrost> nope
<Dobbs> anyway, coaching NQCTF...
<Dobbs> I'd always sub demo in on CTF5
<Dobbs> he'd own that map
<zfzfrost> hah
<Dobbs> and sometimes we'd do Lord Vader on CTF1
<zfzfrost> where did u find that guy
<Dobbs> put him on D
<Dobbs> he was my roommate
<zfzfrost> ah
<Dobbs> went to UW, failed out of college like me
<zfzfrost> whats he doing these days?
<Dobbs> Ner'zhul introduced me to him actually
<Dobbs> dude stopped responding to emails and calls
<zfzfrost> guess he grew up
<zfzfrost> last i saw
<Dobbs> he went down to work for Gamestop on web stuff, game reviews and whatever
<zfzfrost> he was in abuse or something
<Dobbs> seemed to do well for himself at that point
<Dobbs> yeah, after playing with WA, he went to abuse
<Dobbs> always liked those guys myself
<zfzfrost> http://www.teamabuse.com/default.asp
<Dobbs> played against them in a LAN tournament for Q1 way back
<Dobbs> beat up on wiseguy and Lantern
<zfzfrost> hah
<Dobbs> Nope, haven't given up gaming. Work takes up most of my time, but I'm glued to Everquest 2 right now.
<Dobbs> LV quote from December 2004
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<Dobbs> dude's downfall always was MMORPGs
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<cAd_phrosty> well
<cAd_phrosty> you should play WoW then
<cAd_phrosty> another game to get addicted to
<Dobbs> he's probably played it
<Dobbs> that was a quote from Lord Vader, not me:)
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> the best players
<zfzfrost> usually fail when it comes to mmorpgs
<Dobbs> still remember watching him play
<zfzfrost> i saw a demo or something of him playing thresh
<Dobbs> and still swear that he beat thresh before the first CPL
<zfzfrost> beating thresh on
<Dobbs> hmmmm
<zfzfrost> that one map with
<zfzfrost> the elevators that go up
<zfzfrost> claustrophobolis
<zfzfrost> dm2 i think
<Dobbs> probably not real if they were using real names
<Dobbs> or wait
<zfzfrost> no dude i think it was legit
<Dobbs> hmmmm
<zfzfrost> he was playing like it was the superbowl
<zfzfrost> he got a lead
<Dobbs> I remember Thresh agreeing to play, but it wasn't under Thresh
<zfzfrost> and camped that telepad
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> twice...
<Dobbs> once he got slaughtered by him
<Dobbs> other time he won 2-3 maps in a row, right before CPL
<Dobbs> mikej told us about getting a call from Thresh
<Dobbs> asking if LV cheated
<Dobbs> soon after they had played
<Dobbs> we assume it was Thresh playing as Kenn
<Dobbs> Kenn was never THAT good
<zfzfrost> lol
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> i met all those guys
<zfzfrost> all azn
<Dobbs> yeah, I met them at the PGL championships
<Dobbs> watched THresh get probably his first lap dance when we hit a strip club
<zfzfrost> gaga
<zfzfrost> haha
<Dobbs> Unholy was the only white guy of the group
<zfzfrost> i know gieger
<zfzfrost> is still around
<Dobbs> yeah, memorable to say the least:)
<Dobbs> you know anna kang?
<zfzfrost> he's in paradgim shift
<zfzfrost> is that pookie
<Dobbs> no, carmack's wife
<zfzfrost> oh
<zfzfrost> i dont know her
<zfzfrost> but i know of her
<Dobbs> I met her at a LAN party where I played Lantern and Wiseguy long ago
<Dobbs> damn she was hot
<zfzfrost> yea?
<zfzfrost> i dont even remember
<Dobbs> got her phone number and talked a bit with her
<zfzfrost> seeing her pic
<Dobbs> anyway, not only hot, but talked like a nympho
<zfzfrost> haha
<Dobbs> carmack = lucky man
<zfzfrost> yeah i guess so
<Dobbs> thresh and her dated for a bit I believe
<zfzfrost> wow
<zfzfrost> shes all about the gamers
<Dobbs> hehe, well she was definitely a gamer
<Dobbs> I mean... a Seattle LAN party she showed up at
<Dobbs> and she didn't live here
<zfzfrost> ya that is wierd
<zfzfrost> for real
<Dobbs> and nobody popular showed up, I was the best there at the time
<Dobbs> ah the fun times
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> what else can I spill?
<Dobbs> thresh played in the PGL season they first used Quake 2
<Dobbs> and lost
<zfzfrost> i dunno but its always interesting to hear about
<zfzfrost> yeah?
<Dobbs> can't remember what name he used
<zfzfrost> aliased?
<Dobbs> but even immortal came out and told people
<Dobbs> definitely
<Dobbs> he didn't want to get caught losing
<Dobbs> figured if he got to the finals, he'd spill the beans
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> the next season though he got serious, came out as Thresh and kicked ass
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> see all this stuff
<zfzfrost> i never heard till now
<zfzfrost> i was too big of a newbie
<zfzfrost> back in the day
<Dobbs> LV should've gotten serious though, he ran over guys in Q2
<zfzfrost> ctf24/7
<zfzfrost> it takes a certain personality
<Dobbs> ctf was always more fun anyway:)
<zfzfrost> to do that much work tho
<zfzfrost> u gotta have something to prove
<zfzfrost> to put that kinda work into a game
<Dobbs> well yeah, the competitive edge
<zfzfrost> where they payoff is almost nonexistent
<zfzfrost> even now
<zfzfrost> when tons of people are sponsored
<Dobbs> I always had to be playing a scrimmage or real game to be interested at one point
<zfzfrost> and team s are financed
<Dobbs> just practicing my aim on a server is no fun
<zfzfrost> i wont even do it 100%
<zfzfrost> and ive been going for years
<zfzfrost> competetively
<Dobbs> hehe
<Dobbs> if I was actually any good, I probably wouldn't do it
<Dobbs> I just don't enjoy gaming 6 hours a day.... especially without people there playing all day by my side
<zfzfrost> theres too much uncertainty these days
<zfzfrost> well ben
<zfzfrost> i will say this
<zfzfrost> things have improved
<zfzfrost> a lot lot lot since u left
<zfzfrost> voice com programs
<zfzfrost> are now pretty much mandatory
<zfzfrost> for any serious team
<Dobbs> I play Xbox Live:p
<zfzfrost> and the quality and level of technology
<zfzfrost> of the codecs
<zfzfrost> they have are amazing
<Dobbs> and yeah, voice com was mandatory in Tribes
<zfzfrost> like right after i graduated
<zfzfrost> i think the whole cs thing started
<zfzfrost> it was 1.0 or something
<zfzfrost> and from then on
<zfzfrost> ive been playing pretty competitive
<Dobbs> CS was so newb for so long
<zfzfrost> now its like
<Dobbs> it's funny how slow quake vets took to adapt
<zfzfrost> crazy hardcore
<zfzfrost> its just a lot different
<Dobbs> especially those who only played quake DM
<zfzfrost> u dont have to aim really good
<zfzfrost> for 20 mins
<zfzfrost> u just have to aim amazingly good
<zfzfrost> for a second or two
<Dobbs> hehe
<zfzfrost> and u have to be consisitent
<zfzfrost> consistant
<Dobbs> tell ya what
<Dobbs> if you were good at quake though, it should transfer over
<zfzfrost> some things do
<Dobbs> a guy like LV or Haplo will just dominate anywhere
<Dobbs> funny though, Retrop is awesome at Halo
<Dobbs> dominates us all
<zfzfrost> if u play long enough
<zfzfrost> a lot of skills transfer over
<Dobbs> helps that he QA'd it at MS I'm sure but still
<Dobbs> level 17
<Dobbs> best I've seen other than that for ranking is like 9 or 10
<zfzfrost> i cant believe
<zfzfrost> all those old wa guys
<zfzfrost> jsut disappeaered
<Dobbs> which old WA guys?
<Dobbs> oh Retrop, Haplo, etc?
<zfzfrost> haplo, retrop, demo, lv
<zfzfrost> all them
<Dobbs> they graduated
<Dobbs> at least most of the cluster did
<Dobbs> quit competitive gaming
<zfzfrost> never to reappear in gaming
<Dobbs> they said that was their plan, they stuck to it
<zfzfrost> thats wierd
<Dobbs> just play Halo 2
<Dobbs> you'll see Retrop
<zfzfrost> but its not uncommon
<Dobbs> yeah
<zfzfrost> don't see many people from the old days
<Dobbs> I can name so many that have come and gone
<zfzfrost> even all the people i played q3 with
<Dobbs> Reason, Honus
<zfzfrost> which was like 3 years ago
*** Quit: bleech (Quit: Leaving)
<zfzfrost> all leaving
<zfzfrost> honus lol
<zfzfrost> that guy from gib
<Dobbs> life happens
<zfzfrost> the funny thing is
<zfzfrost> most the guys on my team now
<zfzfrost> are around my age
<zfzfrost> give or take a few years
<Dobbs> that age being?
<zfzfrost> 26
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<Dobbs> 27 here
<zfzfrost> i seriously think ill be doing this for years to come
<zfzfrost> even if not playing as a team
<zfzfrost> ill be buying computer games
<zfzfrost> and playing em
<Dobbs> oh of course
<zfzfrost> for a while
<Dobbs> well... I really only like to play co-op or multiplayer
<Dobbs> only GTA has been a game I can really play a lot single
<zfzfrost> i used to be like that
<zfzfrost> but i like rts single players
<Dobbs> and MP/co-op with someone in person
<zfzfrost> im addicted to them
<Dobbs> ooh, Dawn of War I play a bit of vs computer
<Dobbs> not so much single player, but the other type of game
<Dobbs> well I used to play, haven't lately for some reason
<Dobbs> great game
<zfzfrost> have u been following
<zfzfrost> the gaming scene at all
<zfzfrost> ?
<zfzfrost> or talk to anyone that has?
<Dobbs> not really
<Dobbs> I read for a while about it
<Dobbs> but probably stopped when the Shack page that covered esports died
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> downside to gaming these days and knowing there's one game that everyone will play and be judged on
<Dobbs> well... CS is the one game I guess
<zfzfrost> well
<Dobbs> but I'm not good at that:p
<zfzfrost> that maybe changing
<zfzfrost> cs: source
<zfzfrost> which is cs on the hl2 engine
<zfzfrost> is gunna probably replace it
<Dobbs> right...
<zfzfrost> same game basically
<zfzfrost> newer engine
<Dobbs> but of course gamers will complain about the little differences
<zfzfrost> oh yeah dude
<zfzfrost> already
<Dobbs> as they've done in all years past, started with QW
<zfzfrost> there is like rants and shit
<zfzfrost> posted up
<Dobbs> people don't want to play a new gam
<Dobbs> game
<Dobbs> they want to play the same thing forever
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> others just move on
<zfzfrost> actually i know some dudes
<zfzfrost> that are still playing qwctf
<zfzfrost> believe it or not
<zfzfrost> like they are the north american team
<zfzfrost> and still compete overseas
<zfzfrost> playing with high ping
<zfzfrost> when i look back to how long i've stuck with games
<zfzfrost> usually from 6months to a year
<zfzfrost> ill play the same game
<zfzfrost> q1 probably being the exception
<zfzfrost> i palyed that like 2 or more years
<zfzfrost> some people make the change
<zfzfrost> some do not
<zfzfrost> thresh made the change to q2
<zfzfrost> but i havent seen him try his hand at anything else
<zfzfrost> makaveli and immortal never got much sucess outside of q2 and q3
<zfzfrost> theres almost no one from the quake1 days that is still competing today
<zfzfrost> with the exception of cha0ticz maybe
<Dobbs> heh
<Dobbs> I tried to get a group playing Q1 again
<Dobbs> Q1CTF even
<Dobbs> couldn't get many people though:(
<Dobbs> I played some Quake2 at work before my last manager quit
<Dobbs> fun stuff those old games
<Dobbs> we had a bit of a WA lan a year ago for playing Q1CTF
<zfzfrost> yea?
<zfzfrost> incase i ever decide to do an expose on oldschool gamers
<zfzfrost> tell me more stories that i might not know about
<zfzfrost> of the thresh and pgl era
<Dobbs> heh
<Dobbs> let's see...
<Dobbs> the guy who won PGL
<Dobbs> knocked out LV playing for someone else
<Dobbs> PGL 2
<zfzfrost> who was that
<Dobbs> it was Freak's friend, met him once... nice guy
<Dobbs> can't remember names at all
<zfzfrost> how did they allow
<zfzfrost> him to play for someone else
<Dobbs> anyway, sucked because they allowed him to play as HPB with a ping below 200 and on ISDN
<Dobbs> they never did cheat checking of any kind
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> that I know of at least
<Dobbs> so anyway, LV got knocked out by the PGL winner, and probably because of the ping
<zfzfrost> ah
<Dobbs> nobody knew it was LV of course, we both played under other names
<zfzfrost> lol
<zfzfrost> sneaky bastards
<Dobbs> quite a few people did ya know:)
<zfzfrost> apparently
<Dobbs> I was like... #2 for HPBs going into the tournament rounds
<Dobbs> I did well in FFA stuffs
<zfzfrost> who did u guys recruit
<zfzfrost> for wa tribes
<Dobbs> Clan Crayola
<Dobbs> Taiyoryu
<zfzfrost> u recruited the whole clan
<zfzfrost> ?
<Dobbs> yeah basically
<Dobbs> Tribes needed lots of people
<Dobbs> and some dropped from inactivity
<Dobbs> Yellow became a defensive god
<Dobbs> well known
<zfzfrost> tai was in flag! right?
<Dobbs> Vit from Clan EMB
<Dobbs> yeah, that Tai
<Dobbs> he was the roommate of the manager that hired me for my job
<zfzfrost> ah sweet
<zfzfrost> i wonder what happened
<zfzfrost> to flag!
<zfzfrost> i know ermac is in hka now
<zfzfrost> wonder what happened to vader
<zfzfrost> and cookusbot
<Dobbs> no idea on those guys
<zfzfrost> thats cool
<zfzfrost> i always wondered
<zfzfrost> who was behind the tags
<Dobbs> well I tell ya, most of my friends here are guys I gamed with
<zfzfrost> thats cool
<zfzfrost> most people i gamed with are people i only meet at lans
<zfzfrost> without reading too much into anything
<zfzfrost> ive always teamed up with people that i play well with
<Dobbs> WA's foundation was my need to game with people in person
<zfzfrost> yea
<zfzfrost> was cyanide ever in wa?
<zfzfrost> i still talk to that guy from time to time
<Dobbs> hmmmm
<Dobbs> never officially
<zfzfrost> ah
<zfzfrost> were u the leader of Archon's minions when they did dm?
<zfzfrost> for some reaosn i associate you with those guys
<Dobbs> yeah
<Dobbs> my first clan was Clan of the DragonFly
<Dobbs> which died quickly
<Dobbs> B2, me, B1 and Hermiti started AM from that
<Dobbs> B2 and I were leaders
<zfzfrost> who was b1
<zfzfrost> and who was hermiti
<Dobbs> mostly me, B2 just went around and kicked ass (and used a cheat off demo's server for a little bit)
<Dobbs> hermiti later was in EG, nice guy from Alaska that also failed out of college
<Dobbs> stayed with me at U of I for a little while
<Dobbs> B1 was really a nobody, great guy, never good at games
<zfzfrost> ahh
<zfzfrost> that explains the AM connection then
<zfzfrost> then B2 joins thresh
<zfzfrost> and forms legends
<zfzfrost> right?
<Dobbs> yeah, AM's DM died when mikej, muppet and them formed EG
<Dobbs> right..... there's a story there
<Dobbs> Thresh invited me and B2 to join LGD
<zfzfrost> who was in lgd
<Dobbs> I wouldn't go without a majority of AM guys
<zfzfrost> at the time
<Dobbs> let's see
<Dobbs> Cross
<Dobbs> Whitewolf
<zfzfrost> whitefang
<Dobbs> those 4 at most
<Dobbs> not sure if the whiteboys were in yet
<zfzfrost> kenn?
<Dobbs> it was VERY early in the making
<Dobbs> Kenn was in AM
<zfzfrost> ww and wf were whities
<zfzfrost> so then what
<zfzfrost> they merge without u?
<Dobbs> yeah..
<Dobbs> B2 ended up leaving
<Dobbs> just him at first
<Dobbs> then pretty much the whole team ran and joined LGD
<Dobbs> tons of good players
<Dobbs> Kenn
<Dobbs> can't remember the other few that were big on the HPB side
<Dobbs> Kenn and B2 were local to Thresh
<zfzfrost> blackhole/freak
<zfzfrost> ?
<Dobbs> so they formed a nice squad
<zfzfrost> handi
<Dobbs> yeah
<Dobbs> everyone of those guys
<zfzfrost> any of those guys in am?
<zfzfrost> everclear
<Dobbs> all the guys I wanted to come with me
<Dobbs> not sure if everclear was
<Dobbs> it was stupid
<Dobbs> I fight for these guys to join too, and they end up all going anyway
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> so with my squad down and out
<Dobbs> Hermiti joins me at college
<Dobbs> and I go recruit the famed Mikej
<Dobbs> he was #1 on QW at the time
<Dobbs> I barely lost to him in a 1 on1 match
<Dobbs> used my recruiting skills and muppetman (who I just recruited) to convince him to play in AM
<Dobbs> so I lost what formed half of LGD in B2 and Kenn
<Dobbs> and got Mikej, and then Killboy, who was local and pretty good, but very inexperienced in team games
<Dobbs> those 2, me and Hermiti played LGD for both of our first official games since LGD came on the scene
<Dobbs> for Clanring
<Dobbs> we took control for the longest time, Killboy was our Quad man, but didn't realize that all the action when you lock down the map isn't by the RL on DM3, it's at the red armor
<zfzfrost> yea
<Dobbs> so he wasted quite a few quads guarding the bridge
<Dobbs> LGD ended up coming back, winning by 1
<zfzfrost> aww
<Dobbs> closest game they ever played
<Dobbs> I don't believe they ever did lose a game as LGD
<zfzfrost> maybe to the europeans
<zfzfrost> clan9
<zfzfrost> they lost as deathrow
<zfzfrost> i think
<zfzfrost> do u know why lgd broke up and reformed as deathrow?
<zfzfrost> i mean i was at the bbq/lan party
<zfzfrost> where it happened
<zfzfrost> or as it was going to happen
<Dobbs> they got too big
<Dobbs> Thresh wanted to limit the size... like he original did in LGD really
<Dobbs> wanted LPB team only
<Dobbs> HPB guys were causing too much trouble
<zfzfrost> hmm really
<Dobbs> yep
<zfzfrost> that explains some things
<Dobbs> formed a DM only squad with the best they could find in the area
<Dobbs> taking on Unholy, LittleDragon, etc
<zfzfrost> i thought LD was in xp
<Dobbs> was
<zfzfrost> unholy was too i think
<zfzfrost> was like thresh unholy frick, ld
<zfzfrost> who else
<zfzfrost> gieger was running their web
<zfzfrost> handi eventually joined
<zfzfrost> b2 went inactive
<Dobbs> frick was someone else
<Dobbs> can't remember old name
<zfzfrost> blackhole
<zfzfrost> was his lgd name
<Dobbs> handi was a guy who got in because he was cool, and hung out with them until he could get in
<zfzfrost> or black
<Dobbs> dedicated
<Dobbs> hmmm, yeah
<zfzfrost> handi was pretty good
<zfzfrost> too
<Dobbs> he might've been in AM too
<zfzfrost> he was
<Dobbs> handi was all right in AM
<Dobbs> not great
<zfzfrost> everclear told me all about the hpbs
<zfzfrost> later on
<Dobbs> cyanide is quite familiar with him, or was
<zfzfrost> heh
<Dobbs> yeah?
<zfzfrost> yeah everclear, me shatter and boss
<zfzfrost> go back before q1
<zfzfrost> did u know shatter?
<Dobbs> yeah, I met shatter:(
<zfzfrost> did u hear
<Dobbs> yeah:(
<zfzfrost> he passed away this year
<zfzfrost> yeah fucking sucks
<Dobbs> blud told me
<zfzfrost> yeah he told mee too
<Dobbs> saddens me to think about it
<Dobbs> great kid
<Dobbs> I mean great kid, really nice
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> wish I hadn't lost touch with him
<zfzfrost> same here
<zfzfrost> him, everclear/cabalist, and boss
<zfzfrost> showed me the ropes basically
<zfzfrost> cameljockey from cgib too
<zfzfrost> to q1
<zfzfrost> but shatter a lot more so
<zfzfrost> before q1 we used to compete in warez groups and stuff
<zfzfrost> anyhow
<zfzfrost> im just wondering what happened to all that talent
<zfzfrost> havent heard a peep out of any of em
<Dobbs> boss...
<zfzfrost> except boss
<zfzfrost> i talked to boss recently when shatter passed
<Dobbs> did he play in AM?
<zfzfrost> no, he played in clan distorted
<Dobbs> everyone played in AM that was HPB for NQCTF
<zfzfrost> which was the team shatter played in before am
<Dobbs> cyanide could attest to that
<Dobbs> those guys handled the recruiting like shit:)
<zfzfrost> yeah true
<zfzfrost> im surprised
<zfzfrost> they stayed afloat for as long as they did
<zfzfrost> cyanide is like
<zfzfrost> the game of the week gamer
<zfzfrost> i cant take that guy seriously when he says he wants to play for my team anymore
<Dobbs> nah, he was all over Q1 then
<zfzfrost> everytime he starts a team with me
<Dobbs> he was just an asshole
<zfzfrost> he leaves after 2 weeks
<Dobbs> hehe
<zfzfrost> well he's more mature of an asshole now
<zfzfrost> haha
<Dobbs> exactly:)
<zfzfrost> but he did help me start one of my most sucessful teams
<zfzfrost> in soldier of fortune 2
<zfzfrost> i think boss got into tribes with vangard
<zfzfrost> cyanide is a game of the week type guy
<zfzfrost> i havent talked to cabalist/everclear in a while
<Dobbs> ugh, hated vanguard
<zfzfrost> whys that
<Dobbs> that was handi + makaveli wasn't it?
<zfzfrost> handi rasta
<zfzfrost> dont think makaveli was in it
<Dobbs> rasta... asshole to play against
<zfzfrost> haha
<zfzfrost> dude is in one of my friends teams now
<Dobbs> basically didn't want to help make things even for pings
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> they'd do LAN on a map that benefits people with 16 pings
<zfzfrost> he got mad pissed at zfz cuz we recruited one of their best guys
<Dobbs> and then force you off to a server where they still outping your team
<Dobbs> yeah, he was at the PGL I believe
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> theres a pic of him in one of those lgd pics
<zfzfrost> with handiman
<zfzfrost> i talked to handi like
<zfzfrost> a year or two ago
<zfzfrost> first time in a long time
<zfzfrost> and we were talking about the old days
<zfzfrost> too bad he got mixed up with rasta
<Dobbs> yep
<zfzfrost> hes hella loyal to him too
<Dobbs> well... when you're local to people, you get a better connection
<Dobbs> appreciate them when you normally wouldn't
<Dobbs> kinda why I didn't totally hate cyanide
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> we played vangard
<zfzfrost> in sof2
<zfzfrost> us at our very best
<zfzfrost> versus them
<zfzfrost> we beat em handily
<zfzfrost> both times we played em
<zfzfrost> ended up taking two of their members
<Dobbs> nice
<zfzfrost> woulda tried for handi but they told us he would never leave em
<Dobbs> of course, guys who leave a team after a loss... I'd always be wary of
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> as usual ben you are correct
<zfzfrost> earlier this year one of them
<zfzfrost> literally broke our team up
<zfzfrost> with assistance from the sponsor
<zfzfrost> so since then we have to be mindful
<Dobbs> yikes
<zfzfrost> of who we recruit
<zfzfrost> well he was with us for a year or more when he did it
<Dobbs> that's not bad
<Dobbs> still, recruit local, more loyalty in it:)
<zfzfrost> yeah money and all that stuff got into the mix too
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> I shall chat with you more often so we don't have to have these long sessions once a year:)
<Dobbs> if you talk to cy, tell him I'm trying to reach him
<Dobbs> I must go
<Dobbs> seeya later, oh and get bleech to add me
<Dobbs> lates all
*** Quit: Dobbs (Client closed connection)
Log Closed: Tue Jan 04 22:33:38 2005
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<Dobbs> ombear?
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<zfzfrost> :O
<zfzfrost> ben dobbs?
<Dobbs> yes sir;)
<Dobbs> sup frostu?
<zfzfrost> sup dude
<zfzfrost> how goes life after wa
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<Dobbs> after?
<Dobbs> WA for life:)
<zfzfrost> hah
<zfzfrost> i was talking to some chick about tribes
<Dobbs> still have guys from the clan come by every month or 2
<Dobbs> chick talking about tribes? that's an oddity
<zfzfrost> she showed me some legacy movie
<zfzfrost> 460 megs
<zfzfrost> of people getting midaired and shit
<zfzfrost> kinda cool kinda boring
<Dobbs> oh yeah... midairs
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<Dobbs> never could do those
<Dobbs> see some WA stuff or something?:)
<zfzfrost> dont know
<zfzfrost> no text
<Dobbs> Tribes was odd...
<Dobbs> nobody would release demos forever
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<Dobbs> I started releasing after I stopped playing (my teammates hated me)
<Dobbs> and it became a pretty big thing
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> people enjoyed watching
<zfzfrost> its dumb not to imo
<zfzfrost> its not like
<Dobbs> well they were concerned with strategies given out
<zfzfrost> ur protecting any special camp spots
<zfzfrost> like a roundbased games
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> in round based games
<zfzfrost> everyone figures out everyone elses strats
<zfzfrost> so it doesnt matter anyways
<Dobbs> I can understand the concern... except our strategy became "fuck it"
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> which means... everyone go offense
<zfzfrost> haha
<Dobbs> we'll worry about getting hte flag back after we have theirs
<zfzfrost> everyone except bleech?
<Dobbs> yeah, fatass sat on the flag
<Dobbs> brb
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<Dobbs> k
<zfzfrost> how long since u played an online game competeively ben?
<Dobbs> hey
<Dobbs> any idea where I'd find mikej or muppetman?
<Dobbs> ummm
<zfzfrost> nope
<Dobbs> competitively....
<zfzfrost> #eg maybe?
<Dobbs> I tried to play Tribes 2
<Dobbs> didn't work
<Dobbs> nobody in #eg
<zfzfrost> wow
<Dobbs> my computer sucked for T2
<Dobbs> so Tribes was it
<zfzfrost> im surprised eg disappeared
<Dobbs> I did run Tribescon before I quit
<Dobbs> yeah, I thought they had enough people to sit around and idle for a few more years
<zfzfrost> who's left
<Dobbs> I kinda miss competitive gaming
<zfzfrost> from the q1 days
<Dobbs> but I was never really good at gaming
<Dobbs> just good at recruiting good players
<bob987345892347598237459283745> hail
<bob987345892347598237459283745> i am left
<zfzfrost> filling their heads with dreams eh
<zfzfrost> hey FAT
<Dobbs> I've seen Retrop and ...
<zfzfrost> i mean bob
<Dobbs> Haplo
<zfzfrost> those guys were awesome
<Dobbs> within the past couple months
<zfzfrost> where did u get those guys
<zfzfrost> anyways
<Dobbs> they should be over next weekend
<Dobbs> shit man
<Dobbs> WA started as a Seattle clan
<Dobbs> they were all part of the same cluster at UW
<zfzfrost> ah
<Dobbs> recruited them through Ner'zhul
<zfzfrost> that guy was good too
<Dobbs> decided to go local with him, demo and soda
<zfzfrost> yeah we had demo for a little while
<zfzfrost> in qwctf
<Dobbs> we let soda in just because he was down the hall and kinda funny
<Dobbs> demo was good
<zfzfrost> guy became an egomaniac (soda)
<zfzfrost> in qwctf
<Dobbs> I loved coaching NQCTF
<Dobbs> yeah, soda got a huge head:/
<Dobbs> we always made fun of him
<zfzfrost> hah
<Dobbs> he may have been the best in QWCTF
<Dobbs> but he wasn't ever as good as Haplo or papasmurf
<zfzfrost> nope
<Dobbs> anyway, coaching NQCTF...
<Dobbs> I'd always sub demo in on CTF5
<Dobbs> he'd own that map
<zfzfrost> hah
<Dobbs> and sometimes we'd do Lord Vader on CTF1
<zfzfrost> where did u find that guy
<Dobbs> put him on D
<Dobbs> he was my roommate
<zfzfrost> ah
<Dobbs> went to UW, failed out of college like me
<zfzfrost> whats he doing these days?
<Dobbs> Ner'zhul introduced me to him actually
<Dobbs> dude stopped responding to emails and calls
<zfzfrost> guess he grew up
<zfzfrost> last i saw
<Dobbs> he went down to work for Gamestop on web stuff, game reviews and whatever
<zfzfrost> he was in abuse or something
<Dobbs> seemed to do well for himself at that point
<Dobbs> yeah, after playing with WA, he went to abuse
<Dobbs> always liked those guys myself
<zfzfrost> http://www.teamabuse.com/default.asp
<Dobbs> played against them in a LAN tournament for Q1 way back
<Dobbs> beat up on wiseguy and Lantern
<zfzfrost> hah
<Dobbs> Nope, haven't given up gaming. Work takes up most of my time, but I'm glued to Everquest 2 right now.
<Dobbs> LV quote from December 2004
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<Dobbs> dude's downfall always was MMORPGs
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<cAd_phrosty> well
<cAd_phrosty> you should play WoW then
<cAd_phrosty> another game to get addicted to
<Dobbs> he's probably played it
<Dobbs> that was a quote from Lord Vader, not me:)
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> the best players
<zfzfrost> usually fail when it comes to mmorpgs
<Dobbs> still remember watching him play
<zfzfrost> i saw a demo or something of him playing thresh
<Dobbs> and still swear that he beat thresh before the first CPL
<zfzfrost> beating thresh on
<Dobbs> hmmmm
<zfzfrost> that one map with
<zfzfrost> the elevators that go up
<zfzfrost> claustrophobolis
<zfzfrost> dm2 i think
<Dobbs> probably not real if they were using real names
<Dobbs> or wait
<zfzfrost> no dude i think it was legit
<Dobbs> hmmmm
<zfzfrost> he was playing like it was the superbowl
<zfzfrost> he got a lead
<Dobbs> I remember Thresh agreeing to play, but it wasn't under Thresh
<zfzfrost> and camped that telepad
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> twice...
<Dobbs> once he got slaughtered by him
<Dobbs> other time he won 2-3 maps in a row, right before CPL
<Dobbs> mikej told us about getting a call from Thresh
<Dobbs> asking if LV cheated
<Dobbs> soon after they had played
<Dobbs> we assume it was Thresh playing as Kenn
<Dobbs> Kenn was never THAT good
<zfzfrost> lol
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> i met all those guys
<zfzfrost> all azn
<Dobbs> yeah, I met them at the PGL championships
<Dobbs> watched THresh get probably his first lap dance when we hit a strip club
<zfzfrost> gaga
<zfzfrost> haha
<Dobbs> Unholy was the only white guy of the group
<zfzfrost> i know gieger
<zfzfrost> is still around
<Dobbs> yeah, memorable to say the least:)
<Dobbs> you know anna kang?
<zfzfrost> he's in paradgim shift
<zfzfrost> is that pookie
<Dobbs> no, carmack's wife
<zfzfrost> oh
<zfzfrost> i dont know her
<zfzfrost> but i know of her
<Dobbs> I met her at a LAN party where I played Lantern and Wiseguy long ago
<Dobbs> damn she was hot
<zfzfrost> yea?
<zfzfrost> i dont even remember
<Dobbs> got her phone number and talked a bit with her
<zfzfrost> seeing her pic
<Dobbs> anyway, not only hot, but talked like a nympho
<zfzfrost> haha
<Dobbs> carmack = lucky man
<zfzfrost> yeah i guess so
<Dobbs> thresh and her dated for a bit I believe
<zfzfrost> wow
<zfzfrost> shes all about the gamers
<Dobbs> hehe, well she was definitely a gamer
<Dobbs> I mean... a Seattle LAN party she showed up at
<Dobbs> and she didn't live here
<zfzfrost> ya that is wierd
<zfzfrost> for real
<Dobbs> and nobody popular showed up, I was the best there at the time
<Dobbs> ah the fun times
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> what else can I spill?
<Dobbs> thresh played in the PGL season they first used Quake 2
<Dobbs> and lost
<zfzfrost> i dunno but its always interesting to hear about
<zfzfrost> yeah?
<Dobbs> can't remember what name he used
<zfzfrost> aliased?
<Dobbs> but even immortal came out and told people
<Dobbs> definitely
<Dobbs> he didn't want to get caught losing
<Dobbs> figured if he got to the finals, he'd spill the beans
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> the next season though he got serious, came out as Thresh and kicked ass
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> see all this stuff
<zfzfrost> i never heard till now
<zfzfrost> i was too big of a newbie
<zfzfrost> back in the day
<Dobbs> LV should've gotten serious though, he ran over guys in Q2
<zfzfrost> ctf24/7
<zfzfrost> it takes a certain personality
<Dobbs> ctf was always more fun anyway:)
<zfzfrost> to do that much work tho
<zfzfrost> u gotta have something to prove
<zfzfrost> to put that kinda work into a game
<Dobbs> well yeah, the competitive edge
<zfzfrost> where they payoff is almost nonexistent
<zfzfrost> even now
<zfzfrost> when tons of people are sponsored
<Dobbs> I always had to be playing a scrimmage or real game to be interested at one point
<zfzfrost> and team s are financed
<Dobbs> just practicing my aim on a server is no fun
<zfzfrost> i wont even do it 100%
<zfzfrost> and ive been going for years
<zfzfrost> competetively
<Dobbs> hehe
<Dobbs> if I was actually any good, I probably wouldn't do it
<Dobbs> I just don't enjoy gaming 6 hours a day.... especially without people there playing all day by my side
<zfzfrost> theres too much uncertainty these days
<zfzfrost> well ben
<zfzfrost> i will say this
<zfzfrost> things have improved
<zfzfrost> a lot lot lot since u left
<zfzfrost> voice com programs
<zfzfrost> are now pretty much mandatory
<zfzfrost> for any serious team
<Dobbs> I play Xbox Live:p
<zfzfrost> and the quality and level of technology
<zfzfrost> of the codecs
<zfzfrost> they have are amazing
<Dobbs> and yeah, voice com was mandatory in Tribes
<zfzfrost> like right after i graduated
<zfzfrost> i think the whole cs thing started
<zfzfrost> it was 1.0 or something
<zfzfrost> and from then on
<zfzfrost> ive been playing pretty competitive
<Dobbs> CS was so newb for so long
<zfzfrost> now its like
<Dobbs> it's funny how slow quake vets took to adapt
<zfzfrost> crazy hardcore
<zfzfrost> its just a lot different
<Dobbs> especially those who only played quake DM
<zfzfrost> u dont have to aim really good
<zfzfrost> for 20 mins
<zfzfrost> u just have to aim amazingly good
<zfzfrost> for a second or two
<Dobbs> hehe
<zfzfrost> and u have to be consisitent
<zfzfrost> consistant
<Dobbs> tell ya what
<Dobbs> if you were good at quake though, it should transfer over
<zfzfrost> some things do
<Dobbs> a guy like LV or Haplo will just dominate anywhere
<Dobbs> funny though, Retrop is awesome at Halo
<Dobbs> dominates us all
<zfzfrost> if u play long enough
<zfzfrost> a lot of skills transfer over
<Dobbs> helps that he QA'd it at MS I'm sure but still
<Dobbs> level 17
<Dobbs> best I've seen other than that for ranking is like 9 or 10
<zfzfrost> i cant believe
<zfzfrost> all those old wa guys
<zfzfrost> jsut disappeaered
<Dobbs> which old WA guys?
<Dobbs> oh Retrop, Haplo, etc?
<zfzfrost> haplo, retrop, demo, lv
<zfzfrost> all them
<Dobbs> they graduated
<Dobbs> at least most of the cluster did
<Dobbs> quit competitive gaming
<zfzfrost> never to reappear in gaming
<Dobbs> they said that was their plan, they stuck to it
<zfzfrost> thats wierd
<Dobbs> just play Halo 2
<Dobbs> you'll see Retrop
<zfzfrost> but its not uncommon
<Dobbs> yeah
<zfzfrost> don't see many people from the old days
<Dobbs> I can name so many that have come and gone
<zfzfrost> even all the people i played q3 with
<Dobbs> Reason, Honus
<zfzfrost> which was like 3 years ago
*** Quit: bleech (Quit: Leaving)
<zfzfrost> all leaving
<zfzfrost> honus lol
<zfzfrost> that guy from gib
<Dobbs> life happens
<zfzfrost> the funny thing is
<zfzfrost> most the guys on my team now
<zfzfrost> are around my age
<zfzfrost> give or take a few years
<Dobbs> that age being?
<zfzfrost> 26
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<Dobbs> 27 here
<zfzfrost> i seriously think ill be doing this for years to come
<zfzfrost> even if not playing as a team
<zfzfrost> ill be buying computer games
<zfzfrost> and playing em
<Dobbs> oh of course
<zfzfrost> for a while
<Dobbs> well... I really only like to play co-op or multiplayer
<Dobbs> only GTA has been a game I can really play a lot single
<zfzfrost> i used to be like that
<zfzfrost> but i like rts single players
<Dobbs> and MP/co-op with someone in person
<zfzfrost> im addicted to them
<Dobbs> ooh, Dawn of War I play a bit of vs computer
<Dobbs> not so much single player, but the other type of game
<Dobbs> well I used to play, haven't lately for some reason
<Dobbs> great game
<zfzfrost> have u been following
<zfzfrost> the gaming scene at all
<zfzfrost> ?
<zfzfrost> or talk to anyone that has?
<Dobbs> not really
<Dobbs> I read for a while about it
<Dobbs> but probably stopped when the Shack page that covered esports died
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> downside to gaming these days and knowing there's one game that everyone will play and be judged on
<Dobbs> well... CS is the one game I guess
<zfzfrost> well
<Dobbs> but I'm not good at that:p
<zfzfrost> that maybe changing
<zfzfrost> cs: source
<zfzfrost> which is cs on the hl2 engine
<zfzfrost> is gunna probably replace it
<Dobbs> right...
<zfzfrost> same game basically
<zfzfrost> newer engine
<Dobbs> but of course gamers will complain about the little differences
<zfzfrost> oh yeah dude
<zfzfrost> already
<Dobbs> as they've done in all years past, started with QW
<zfzfrost> there is like rants and shit
<zfzfrost> posted up
<Dobbs> people don't want to play a new gam
<Dobbs> game
<Dobbs> they want to play the same thing forever
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> others just move on
<zfzfrost> actually i know some dudes
<zfzfrost> that are still playing qwctf
<zfzfrost> believe it or not
<zfzfrost> like they are the north american team
<zfzfrost> and still compete overseas
<zfzfrost> playing with high ping
<zfzfrost> when i look back to how long i've stuck with games
<zfzfrost> usually from 6months to a year
<zfzfrost> ill play the same game
<zfzfrost> q1 probably being the exception
<zfzfrost> i palyed that like 2 or more years
<zfzfrost> some people make the change
<zfzfrost> some do not
<zfzfrost> thresh made the change to q2
<zfzfrost> but i havent seen him try his hand at anything else
<zfzfrost> makaveli and immortal never got much sucess outside of q2 and q3
<zfzfrost> theres almost no one from the quake1 days that is still competing today
<zfzfrost> with the exception of cha0ticz maybe
<Dobbs> heh
<Dobbs> I tried to get a group playing Q1 again
<Dobbs> Q1CTF even
<Dobbs> couldn't get many people though:(
<Dobbs> I played some Quake2 at work before my last manager quit
<Dobbs> fun stuff those old games
<Dobbs> we had a bit of a WA lan a year ago for playing Q1CTF
<zfzfrost> yea?
<zfzfrost> incase i ever decide to do an expose on oldschool gamers
<zfzfrost> tell me more stories that i might not know about
<zfzfrost> of the thresh and pgl era
<Dobbs> heh
<Dobbs> let's see...
<Dobbs> the guy who won PGL
<Dobbs> knocked out LV playing for someone else
<Dobbs> PGL 2
<zfzfrost> who was that
<Dobbs> it was Freak's friend, met him once... nice guy
<Dobbs> can't remember names at all
<zfzfrost> how did they allow
<zfzfrost> him to play for someone else
<Dobbs> anyway, sucked because they allowed him to play as HPB with a ping below 200 and on ISDN
<Dobbs> they never did cheat checking of any kind
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> that I know of at least
<Dobbs> so anyway, LV got knocked out by the PGL winner, and probably because of the ping
<zfzfrost> ah
<Dobbs> nobody knew it was LV of course, we both played under other names
<zfzfrost> lol
<zfzfrost> sneaky bastards
<Dobbs> quite a few people did ya know:)
<zfzfrost> apparently
<Dobbs> I was like... #2 for HPBs going into the tournament rounds
<Dobbs> I did well in FFA stuffs
<zfzfrost> who did u guys recruit
<zfzfrost> for wa tribes
<Dobbs> Clan Crayola
<Dobbs> Taiyoryu
<zfzfrost> u recruited the whole clan
<zfzfrost> ?
<Dobbs> yeah basically
<Dobbs> Tribes needed lots of people
<Dobbs> and some dropped from inactivity
<Dobbs> Yellow became a defensive god
<Dobbs> well known
<zfzfrost> tai was in flag! right?
<Dobbs> Vit from Clan EMB
<Dobbs> yeah, that Tai
<Dobbs> he was the roommate of the manager that hired me for my job
<zfzfrost> ah sweet
<zfzfrost> i wonder what happened
<zfzfrost> to flag!
<zfzfrost> i know ermac is in hka now
<zfzfrost> wonder what happened to vader
<zfzfrost> and cookusbot
<Dobbs> no idea on those guys
<zfzfrost> thats cool
<zfzfrost> i always wondered
<zfzfrost> who was behind the tags
<Dobbs> well I tell ya, most of my friends here are guys I gamed with
<zfzfrost> thats cool
<zfzfrost> most people i gamed with are people i only meet at lans
<zfzfrost> without reading too much into anything
<zfzfrost> ive always teamed up with people that i play well with
<Dobbs> WA's foundation was my need to game with people in person
<zfzfrost> yea
<zfzfrost> was cyanide ever in wa?
<zfzfrost> i still talk to that guy from time to time
<Dobbs> hmmmm
<Dobbs> never officially
<zfzfrost> ah
<zfzfrost> were u the leader of Archon's minions when they did dm?
<zfzfrost> for some reaosn i associate you with those guys
<Dobbs> yeah
<Dobbs> my first clan was Clan of the DragonFly
<Dobbs> which died quickly
<Dobbs> B2, me, B1 and Hermiti started AM from that
<Dobbs> B2 and I were leaders
<zfzfrost> who was b1
<zfzfrost> and who was hermiti
<Dobbs> mostly me, B2 just went around and kicked ass (and used a cheat off demo's server for a little bit)
<Dobbs> hermiti later was in EG, nice guy from Alaska that also failed out of college
<Dobbs> stayed with me at U of I for a little while
<Dobbs> B1 was really a nobody, great guy, never good at games
<zfzfrost> ahh
<zfzfrost> that explains the AM connection then
<zfzfrost> then B2 joins thresh
<zfzfrost> and forms legends
<zfzfrost> right?
<Dobbs> yeah, AM's DM died when mikej, muppet and them formed EG
<Dobbs> right..... there's a story there
<Dobbs> Thresh invited me and B2 to join LGD
<zfzfrost> who was in lgd
<Dobbs> I wouldn't go without a majority of AM guys
<zfzfrost> at the time
<Dobbs> let's see
<Dobbs> Cross
<Dobbs> Whitewolf
<zfzfrost> whitefang
<Dobbs> those 4 at most
<Dobbs> not sure if the whiteboys were in yet
<zfzfrost> kenn?
<Dobbs> it was VERY early in the making
<Dobbs> Kenn was in AM
<zfzfrost> ww and wf were whities
<zfzfrost> so then what
<zfzfrost> they merge without u?
<Dobbs> yeah..
<Dobbs> B2 ended up leaving
<Dobbs> just him at first
<Dobbs> then pretty much the whole team ran and joined LGD
<Dobbs> tons of good players
<Dobbs> Kenn
<Dobbs> can't remember the other few that were big on the HPB side
<Dobbs> Kenn and B2 were local to Thresh
<zfzfrost> blackhole/freak
<zfzfrost> ?
<Dobbs> so they formed a nice squad
<zfzfrost> handi
<Dobbs> yeah
<Dobbs> everyone of those guys
<zfzfrost> any of those guys in am?
<zfzfrost> everclear
<Dobbs> all the guys I wanted to come with me
<Dobbs> not sure if everclear was
<Dobbs> it was stupid
<Dobbs> I fight for these guys to join too, and they end up all going anyway
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> so with my squad down and out
<Dobbs> Hermiti joins me at college
<Dobbs> and I go recruit the famed Mikej
<Dobbs> he was #1 on QW at the time
<Dobbs> I barely lost to him in a 1 on1 match
<Dobbs> used my recruiting skills and muppetman (who I just recruited) to convince him to play in AM
<Dobbs> so I lost what formed half of LGD in B2 and Kenn
<Dobbs> and got Mikej, and then Killboy, who was local and pretty good, but very inexperienced in team games
<Dobbs> those 2, me and Hermiti played LGD for both of our first official games since LGD came on the scene
<Dobbs> for Clanring
<Dobbs> we took control for the longest time, Killboy was our Quad man, but didn't realize that all the action when you lock down the map isn't by the RL on DM3, it's at the red armor
<zfzfrost> yea
<Dobbs> so he wasted quite a few quads guarding the bridge
<Dobbs> LGD ended up coming back, winning by 1
<zfzfrost> aww
<Dobbs> closest game they ever played
<Dobbs> I don't believe they ever did lose a game as LGD
<zfzfrost> maybe to the europeans
<zfzfrost> clan9
<zfzfrost> they lost as deathrow
<zfzfrost> i think
<zfzfrost> do u know why lgd broke up and reformed as deathrow?
<zfzfrost> i mean i was at the bbq/lan party
<zfzfrost> where it happened
<zfzfrost> or as it was going to happen
<Dobbs> they got too big
<Dobbs> Thresh wanted to limit the size... like he original did in LGD really
<Dobbs> wanted LPB team only
<Dobbs> HPB guys were causing too much trouble
<zfzfrost> hmm really
<Dobbs> yep
<zfzfrost> that explains some things
<Dobbs> formed a DM only squad with the best they could find in the area
<Dobbs> taking on Unholy, LittleDragon, etc
<zfzfrost> i thought LD was in xp
<Dobbs> was
<zfzfrost> unholy was too i think
<zfzfrost> was like thresh unholy frick, ld
<zfzfrost> who else
<zfzfrost> gieger was running their web
<zfzfrost> handi eventually joined
<zfzfrost> b2 went inactive
<Dobbs> frick was someone else
<Dobbs> can't remember old name
<zfzfrost> blackhole
<zfzfrost> was his lgd name
<Dobbs> handi was a guy who got in because he was cool, and hung out with them until he could get in
<zfzfrost> or black
<Dobbs> dedicated
<Dobbs> hmmm, yeah
<zfzfrost> handi was pretty good
<zfzfrost> too
<Dobbs> he might've been in AM too
<zfzfrost> he was
<Dobbs> handi was all right in AM
<Dobbs> not great
<zfzfrost> everclear told me all about the hpbs
<zfzfrost> later on
<Dobbs> cyanide is quite familiar with him, or was
<zfzfrost> heh
<Dobbs> yeah?
<zfzfrost> yeah everclear, me shatter and boss
<zfzfrost> go back before q1
<zfzfrost> did u know shatter?
<Dobbs> yeah, I met shatter:(
<zfzfrost> did u hear
<Dobbs> yeah:(
<zfzfrost> he passed away this year
<zfzfrost> yeah fucking sucks
<Dobbs> blud told me
<zfzfrost> yeah he told mee too
<Dobbs> saddens me to think about it
<Dobbs> great kid
<Dobbs> I mean great kid, really nice
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> wish I hadn't lost touch with him
<zfzfrost> same here
<zfzfrost> him, everclear/cabalist, and boss
<zfzfrost> showed me the ropes basically
<zfzfrost> cameljockey from cgib too
<zfzfrost> to q1
<zfzfrost> but shatter a lot more so
<zfzfrost> before q1 we used to compete in warez groups and stuff
<zfzfrost> anyhow
<zfzfrost> im just wondering what happened to all that talent
<zfzfrost> havent heard a peep out of any of em
<Dobbs> boss...
<zfzfrost> except boss
<zfzfrost> i talked to boss recently when shatter passed
<Dobbs> did he play in AM?
<zfzfrost> no, he played in clan distorted
<Dobbs> everyone played in AM that was HPB for NQCTF
<zfzfrost> which was the team shatter played in before am
<Dobbs> cyanide could attest to that
<Dobbs> those guys handled the recruiting like shit:)
<zfzfrost> yeah true
<zfzfrost> im surprised
<zfzfrost> they stayed afloat for as long as they did
<zfzfrost> cyanide is like
<zfzfrost> the game of the week gamer
<zfzfrost> i cant take that guy seriously when he says he wants to play for my team anymore
<Dobbs> nah, he was all over Q1 then
<zfzfrost> everytime he starts a team with me
<Dobbs> he was just an asshole
<zfzfrost> he leaves after 2 weeks
<Dobbs> hehe
<zfzfrost> well he's more mature of an asshole now
<zfzfrost> haha
<Dobbs> exactly:)
<zfzfrost> but he did help me start one of my most sucessful teams
<zfzfrost> in soldier of fortune 2
<zfzfrost> i think boss got into tribes with vangard
<zfzfrost> cyanide is a game of the week type guy
<zfzfrost> i havent talked to cabalist/everclear in a while
<Dobbs> ugh, hated vanguard
<zfzfrost> whys that
<Dobbs> that was handi + makaveli wasn't it?
<zfzfrost> handi rasta
<zfzfrost> dont think makaveli was in it
<Dobbs> rasta... asshole to play against
<zfzfrost> haha
<zfzfrost> dude is in one of my friends teams now
<Dobbs> basically didn't want to help make things even for pings
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> they'd do LAN on a map that benefits people with 16 pings
<zfzfrost> he got mad pissed at zfz cuz we recruited one of their best guys
<Dobbs> and then force you off to a server where they still outping your team
<Dobbs> yeah, he was at the PGL I believe
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> theres a pic of him in one of those lgd pics
<zfzfrost> with handiman
<zfzfrost> i talked to handi like
<zfzfrost> a year or two ago
<zfzfrost> first time in a long time
<zfzfrost> and we were talking about the old days
<zfzfrost> too bad he got mixed up with rasta
<Dobbs> yep
<zfzfrost> hes hella loyal to him too
<Dobbs> well... when you're local to people, you get a better connection
<Dobbs> appreciate them when you normally wouldn't
<Dobbs> kinda why I didn't totally hate cyanide
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> we played vangard
<zfzfrost> in sof2
<zfzfrost> us at our very best
<zfzfrost> versus them
<zfzfrost> we beat em handily
<zfzfrost> both times we played em
<zfzfrost> ended up taking two of their members
<Dobbs> nice
<zfzfrost> woulda tried for handi but they told us he would never leave em
<Dobbs> of course, guys who leave a team after a loss... I'd always be wary of
<zfzfrost> yeah
<zfzfrost> as usual ben you are correct
<zfzfrost> earlier this year one of them
<zfzfrost> literally broke our team up
<zfzfrost> with assistance from the sponsor
<zfzfrost> so since then we have to be mindful
<Dobbs> yikes
<zfzfrost> of who we recruit
<zfzfrost> well he was with us for a year or more when he did it
<Dobbs> that's not bad
<Dobbs> still, recruit local, more loyalty in it:)
<zfzfrost> yeah money and all that stuff got into the mix too
<zfzfrost> yeah
<Dobbs> I shall chat with you more often so we don't have to have these long sessions once a year:)
<Dobbs> if you talk to cy, tell him I'm trying to reach him
<Dobbs> I must go
<Dobbs> seeya later, oh and get bleech to add me
<Dobbs> lates all
*** Quit: Dobbs (Client closed connection)
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Edited by Levi240 at 02:03 CDT, 14 August 2006 - 6349 Hits