so i completely ran out of ideas in my life and decided to load q3 up and see what happens
i stumbled into a cpm clan arena server thinking it was going to be a vq3 clan arena server, then figured hey let's play cpm instead, played some whatever you call dmm4 in cpm, after that, played a few duels, and hey i'm pretty proud that scores looked like 24-10 instead of 42-1
then i played some vq3 and i remembered why i hated it so much
i totally lost all motivation to play about 5 minutes into the duel, vq3 is fucking boring. i don't understand why anyone would prefer to play a game where the optimum strategy is get a 1-0 lead then run backwards
if you try that in cpma you can get outrun
in vq3 it's like haha we're going in circles for 15 minutes
i'm sure this argument has been had 1000 times in the history of ESR but jesus christ i feel like it all played out in front of me in the span of 3 hours and i cannot understand why in sweet jesus fuck anyone out there would rather play vq3 than cpm aside from being really good with the railgun and having a personal grudge against arqon being an asshole
can anyone explain this to me, there has got to be a good reason for this, i'm seriously scratching my head here
i stumbled into a cpm clan arena server thinking it was going to be a vq3 clan arena server, then figured hey let's play cpm instead, played some whatever you call dmm4 in cpm, after that, played a few duels, and hey i'm pretty proud that scores looked like 24-10 instead of 42-1
then i played some vq3 and i remembered why i hated it so much
i totally lost all motivation to play about 5 minutes into the duel, vq3 is fucking boring. i don't understand why anyone would prefer to play a game where the optimum strategy is get a 1-0 lead then run backwards
if you try that in cpma you can get outrun
in vq3 it's like haha we're going in circles for 15 minutes
i'm sure this argument has been had 1000 times in the history of ESR but jesus christ i feel like it all played out in front of me in the span of 3 hours and i cannot understand why in sweet jesus fuck anyone out there would rather play vq3 than cpm aside from being really good with the railgun and having a personal grudge against arqon being an asshole
can anyone explain this to me, there has got to be a good reason for this, i'm seriously scratching my head here
Edited by Zanno at 03:44 CDT, 18 August 2006 - 36698 Hits