[02:13:31] ::: Join: (gZONE`Zeth) (~f00@ti511220a080-4051.bb.online.no)
[02:14:11] [gZONE`Zeth]: Noen her som vet hvor jeg kan finne top10 listen til norges beste Quake4 lag? (eller kan ramse dem opp til meg priv)
Translated: [gZONE`Zeth]: Anyone know where i can find the top10-list of best norwegian q4-teams? (or can list them in priv)
In total there are about 10 active players in Norway ;D Funny to get some perspective on the community size innit ;)
[02:14:11] [gZONE`Zeth]: Noen her som vet hvor jeg kan finne top10 listen til norges beste Quake4 lag? (eller kan ramse dem opp til meg priv)
Translated: [gZONE`Zeth]: Anyone know where i can find the top10-list of best norwegian q4-teams? (or can list them in priv)
In total there are about 10 active players in Norway ;D Funny to get some perspective on the community size innit ;)
Edited by CPLains at 19:59 CDT, 16 September 2006 - 10425 Hits