Style Productions presents Meretrix, an Unreal Tournament 2004 movie directed by Lasen, with 3D by FarmerJoe.
Meretrix is a presentation movie featuring the clan fnaZk.
It is split up into two parts: the first part is a 3 minute CG-introduction of clan fnaZk. The members are presented in a new way with FarmerJoe's 3D rendered scenes.
The second part is a high paced frag highlight section edited by Lasen. To add an extra dimension to the editing we added some fresh 3D into the frags.
More can be found on the Meterix website.
Meretrix is a presentation movie featuring the clan fnaZk.
It is split up into two parts: the first part is a 3 minute CG-introduction of clan fnaZk. The members are presented in a new way with FarmerJoe's 3D rendered scenes.
The second part is a high paced frag highlight section edited by Lasen. To add an extra dimension to the editing we added some fresh 3D into the frags.
More can be found on the Meterix website.
- Movie File (Meterix) 225MB
- (660 clicks)
Edited by tom at 11:10 CDT, 24 September 2006 - 26819 Hits